No Man's Sky

No Man's Sky

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g1nkoy 6 Nov, 2024 @ 9:59am
I lost my ship (expedition final reward)
when transferring loot to the main save i forgot to switch to the new ship and it disappeared. is there any way to get it back? maybe someone will agree to give me a copy of this ship (as i understood, there can be infinite copies)
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A.Method 6 Nov, 2024 @ 7:42pm 
Originally posted by g1nkoy:
when transferring loot to the main save i forgot to switch to the new ship and it disappeared. is there any way to get it back? maybe someone will agree to give me a copy of this ship (as i understood, there can be infinite copies)
If your expedition ship disappears, I believe you may be able to go to the Quicksilver vendor in the Anomaly, select to collect Expedition rewards, and then cycle through until you can find the ship and claim it again.
Nettle 7 Nov, 2024 @ 3:13am 
Originally posted by A.Method:
I believe you may be able to go to the Quicksilver vendor in the Anomaly, select to collect Expedition rewards, and then cycle through until you can find the ship and claim it again.

Titles aside, all expedition rewards are redeemed in this manner whether you began an expedition from the Expedition Terminal or started a new game in a separate slot. Using the terminal to transfer a formerly active ship to your main save was never the intended solution.

Your proposed alternative - acquiring the ship from another player - should be considered an option of last resort. From what I've heard the results can be... slightly disappointing.
Shin-Fay 23 Dec, 2024 @ 4:17am 
dreamrider 16 Jan @ 11:10pm 
Ssome respondents above do not understand that the OP is talking about a ship that s/he had IN the Expedition, i.e. the "wake-up" ship, and which s/he developed throughout the Expedition, but NOT a Reward Ship.

Only the Reward ships are available through the QS vendor in a main save.

OP: Other than doing the Expedition again, finding a player willing to copy a similar ship to you may be the only way. But getting a ship "in trade" from another player can be very tricky, even leaving aside the possibility of some jokester deliberately screwing with you.

Also remember: Another player probably will not have developed her/his ship in exactly the same way that you did, so it is unlikely to be exactly the ship you meant to transfer.
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