No Man's Sky

No Man's Sky

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Jakob Fel 10 Nov, 2024 @ 9:49pm
Seriously need help with this expedition...
I'm trying to get the Normandy and so I figured I'd try to complete an expedition for once. Most of the tasks have been relatively simple to achieve, but for the life of me, I can't find any faecium for the one module on my freighter, and I can't find any undiscovered systems.

Who at Hello Games thought making the objective to discover EIGHT undiscovered systems would be a good idea in a shared world event?

Can anyone give me some tips on how to achieve these two objectives? If I can't figure this out and I put this work into this expedition, I'm gonna flip. These expeditions are unnecessarily grindy and excessive as it is, it's pretty ridiculous that the tasks are so difficult for a two week expedition.
Originally posted by Other:
If you put steam in offline mode, then everything you haven't visited yet will be undiscovered, since the online connection is needed for your game to check what other people have found (and renamed, and uploaded bases, etc).

If that feels cheaty, you can put three S-class hyperdrive mods in your ship (which should get your jump range up to 800 ly or so), and take five or so max range jumps in a single direction (towards the galactic core is probably less useful), and that should get you outside the area where everything is discovered. As long as you talked to the travellers on the first couple stations to find their graves, you should also have at least two glyphs, and every rendezvous is at a portal, so taking a random portal jump with whatever glyphs you have is also likely to put you somewhere not very many people have been to. In either of those cases, once you have found the systems you need, use a space station teleport to get back to the expedition area.

If anyone else with the same problems you started with checks this thread, the easiest way to get Faecium in the expedition is probably to build a refiner room on your freighter (you start with the blueprint), then use:
Hydrogen + Condensed Carbon -> Mordite
Mordite + Condensed Carbon -> Faecium
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Showing 1-8 of 8 comments
Jakob Fel 10 Nov, 2024 @ 9:53pm 
UPDATE: I got lucky and found a gutrot flower at a player outpost, so the faecium is taken off the list but I still have no idea how I'm supposed to find undiscovered systems.
The author of this thread has indicated that this post answers the original topic.
Other 10 Nov, 2024 @ 11:27pm 
If you put steam in offline mode, then everything you haven't visited yet will be undiscovered, since the online connection is needed for your game to check what other people have found (and renamed, and uploaded bases, etc).

If that feels cheaty, you can put three S-class hyperdrive mods in your ship (which should get your jump range up to 800 ly or so), and take five or so max range jumps in a single direction (towards the galactic core is probably less useful), and that should get you outside the area where everything is discovered. As long as you talked to the travellers on the first couple stations to find their graves, you should also have at least two glyphs, and every rendezvous is at a portal, so taking a random portal jump with whatever glyphs you have is also likely to put you somewhere not very many people have been to. In either of those cases, once you have found the systems you need, use a space station teleport to get back to the expedition area.

If anyone else with the same problems you started with checks this thread, the easiest way to get Faecium in the expedition is probably to build a refiner room on your freighter (you start with the blueprint), then use:
Hydrogen + Condensed Carbon -> Mordite
Mordite + Condensed Carbon -> Faecium
Jakob Fel 11 Nov, 2024 @ 1:54am 
Originally posted by Other:
If you put steam in offline mode, then everything you haven't visited yet will be undiscovered, since the online connection is needed for your game to check what other people have found (and renamed, and uploaded bases, etc).

If that feels cheaty, you can put three S-class hyperdrive mods in your ship (which should get your jump range up to 800 ly or so), and take five or so max range jumps in a single direction (towards the galactic core is probably less useful), and that should get you outside the area where everything is discovered. As long as you talked to the travellers on the first couple stations to find their graves, you should also have at least two glyphs, and every rendezvous is at a portal, so taking a random portal jump with whatever glyphs you have is also likely to put you somewhere not very many people have been to. In either of those cases, once you have found the systems you need, use a space station teleport to get back to the expedition area.

If anyone else with the same problems you started with checks this thread, the easiest way to get Faecium in the expedition is probably to build a refiner room on your freighter (you start with the blueprint), then use:
Hydrogen + Condensed Carbon -> Mordite
Mordite + Condensed Carbon -> Faecium

Thanks for your in-depth help here. I'll try that offline thing in the next day or two but I'll mark this as the post answer to help anyone else having the same issue!
frazzled 13 Nov, 2024 @ 1:15pm 
Unexplored systems: If you summon the Anomaly, you can accept missions from the Nexus. Some of those missions will send you to other systems. Often those will be unexplored systems.
dreamrider 13 Nov, 2024 @ 8:01pm 
1. Kill some creatures. Collect meat and Mordite. Refine mordite to Faecium. Combine Faecium and Oxygen for more Facieum. You don't need an endless supply, but, in effect if you have 5 units you have as much as you can make.

2. Take note of the name of the system / local Station. Call Anomaly, go to see Polo. Get Black Hole location. Go to Black hole and jump to random location elsewhere in galaxy. Try a few systems; you'll probably find an undiscovered within 3 at most. Continue to survey around that undiscovered until you have 8. They tend to be clustered, since a single undiscovered means the sector is not very player active. Call anomaly or go to nearest Station. Teleport back to your origin Station / System.
Last edited by dreamrider; 13 Nov, 2024 @ 8:01pm
Jakob Fel 13 Nov, 2024 @ 8:36pm 
Originally posted by dreamrider:
1. Kill some creatures. Collect meat and Mordite. Refine mordite to Faecium. Combine Faecium and Oxygen for more Facieum. You don't need an endless supply, but, in effect if you have 5 units you have as much as you can make.

2. Take note of the name of the system / local Station. Call Anomaly, go to see Polo. Get Black Hole location. Go to Black hole and jump to random location elsewhere in galaxy. Try a few systems; you'll probably find an undiscovered within 3 at most. Continue to survey around that undiscovered until you have 8. They tend to be clustered, since a single undiscovered means the sector is not very player active. Call anomaly or go to nearest Station. Teleport back to your origin Station / System.

I didn't realize mordite refined to faecium but it's good to know for the future! I also just did the offline trick but it's good to know about the Anomaly missions if I don't feel like doing the offline trick.

I still think making a system discovery goal in an expedition is a bad idea though.
frazzled 15 Nov, 2024 @ 6:40pm 
Faecium: Go to a planet, any planet, that has creatures. Feed them. In a few minutes they will "produce" faecium.
Jakob Fel 15 Nov, 2024 @ 9:13pm 
Originally posted by frazzled:
Faecium: Go to a planet, any planet, that has creatures. Feed them. In a few minutes they will "produce" faecium.

I tried this and waited for like 10 minutes, got nothing. That's what I originally tried, actually.
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