No Man's Sky

No Man's Sky

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zobeid.zuma 26 Dec, 2024 @ 4:02am
Thoughts on Ship Storage Augmentation
I've been trying to figure out the best approach to expand ship inventory (both tech and cargo slots) for a while. I've got half a dozen ships in need of love, and scrounging together storage modules for even one of them seemed like it would take forever. There's been the temptation to go into difficulty and make everything free and just "buy" all the slots I want immediately. But that's too quick and easy for my main save. (I might do some time with an alternate save when just experimenting with ships, I guess?)

For a while I was taking every mission that offered an augmentation module as the reward, and most of those are not hard, but they weren't coming up often enough on the mission boards to feed my habit.

I know you can buy ships and scrap them for modules, but that doesn't feel right. I'd still be spending many millions, and it's not a fun activity for me.

I tried getting into the ship salvage business. I'd use my Nautilus to find drowned ships, patch them up, then scrap for money and storage slots. I made some progress with this, and it was fun setting up my salvage yard with storage, refiners and supply chains for all the stuff needed to repair them. I could turn decent profit and collect storage modules at the same time. Still a bit slow going, though.

The final answer? Guild envoys! If you get high enough rank in Explorers Guild and Merchants Guild, some of the envoys (not all of them) will begin offering you a free storage augmentation when you visit. Thus far I've found one Explorers envoy who does this, and two Merchant envoys.

There were very few Merchant envoys in the galactic region where I started, and I had to travel far to locate stations with them. Once found, advancing in Merchants Guild is very easy, because they accept salvaged data donations! I've always liked to roam around planets digging stuff up, and it's particularly fun since I got a Nomad to ride around on. I can rack up the salvage data very quickly.

I've reached the point now where I've got three different space stations that I can visit and collect an augmentation, apparently whenever I feel like it. It's like going down to the corner store and grabbing a sandwich. And I feel like I've earned it. Getting to this point was a journey.
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Showing 1-4 of 4 comments
dreamrider 16 Jan @ 10:53pm 
To further this tactic quickly, after you have located 1 or 2 envoys that offer free Storage Augmentation (or whatever expander you need), repeatedly teleport between them. The Envoys offerings reset upon every new arrival from out system, so you can collect a bunch of expanders VERY quickly.

If you only know 1 Envoy/system with Storage Augmentation, this will still work. You just have to teleport away, then back to that system repeatedly.

Also note that there are Envoys at every Planetary Archive installation.
Abu 19 Jan @ 5:49am 
Originally posted by dreamrider:
To further this tactic quickly, after you have located 1 or 2 envoys that offer free Storage Augmentation (or whatever expander you need), repeatedly teleport between them. The Envoys offerings reset upon every new arrival from out system, so you can collect a bunch of expanders VERY quickly.

If you only know 1 Envoy/system with Storage Augmentation, this will still work. You just have to teleport away, then back to that system repeatedly.

Also note that there are Envoys at every Planetary Archive installation.

If you have the game installed on an SSD, it goes faster if you:
1. Go to the space station with the storage augmentation.
2. Claim it.
3. Get in and then out of your ship to save.
4. Quit to main menu.
5. Reload the save and repeat the steps as many times as you'd like.

It goes even faster if you land at a planetary archive and build a save beacon next to the faction envoy.
dreamrider 19 Jan @ 11:54am 
Really? The SSD makes THAT much difference?
I would think that just the run back and forth to your ship, and the exit / loading questions would be time killers.

Because I can shuttle between two Stations offering Storage Augmentation approx 25+ times per hour.

Edit: Correction - I just collected and applied 30 Storage Augmentation modules, via Station shuttling, in right at 23 minutes.
Last edited by dreamrider; 19 Jan @ 12:48pm
Abu 20 Jan @ 9:42pm 
Originally posted by dreamrider:
Really? The SSD makes THAT much difference?
I would think that just the run back and forth to your ship, and the exit / loading questions would be time killers.

Because I can shuttle between two Stations offering Storage Augmentation approx 25+ times per hour.

Edit: Correction - I just collected and applied 30 Storage Augmentation modules, via Station shuttling, in right at 23 minutes.

I'll go time my method.

The only system I could remember with any kind of augmentation was an outlaw system, so bear in mind that this is done with the save beacon right next to the faction envoy rather than running back and forth between the ship.

18:48.63 - 30 augmentations collected and applied.

It would seem that, with an SSD, it is more efficient to use my method if it is done with a save beacon at a planetary archive. I can't say how much time would be spent travelling to and from the ship.
Last edited by Abu; 20 Jan @ 10:44pm
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