No Man's Sky

No Man's Sky

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Weapon lowering while in combat
Please stop the weapon lowering during combat. It's so frustrating. If that is not possible, please extend the delay before lowing to 5 or 6 seconds. The damned weapon drops just as I'm about to fire so often it's ridiculous!
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Showing 1-6 of 6 comments
VMVXMK2 31 Dec, 2024 @ 10:16pm 
I agree with you.
The weapon lower when you hit the ground after a jump. If you stay on the ground, or have enough jetpack fuel to keep flying for a while, your weapon will stay up.
Thanks for the advise but I don't want to keep jet-packing. I want to be able to run and fight without having my shots ruined by my weapon lowing just as I'm about to shoot. This was highlighted to me in the current Liquidators redux. The bugs don't line up conveniently so I can keep a constant firing rate. They move about. It take several seconds for me to line up my shots only to have the "gun jam" like situation.

I'm an older gamer and so perhaps I'm no longer fast enough with my aiming. Having a few extra seconds with my weapon actually at the ready would make a big difference.
Try fighting in first person mode. I have never had anything like what you describe happen to me but I always play in FPM.

Put is a bug report request to Zendesk if you want HG to know what you would like to happen in third person mode.
Ozwald 7 Jan @ 8:01am 
Originally posted by Mr. Bufferlow:
Try fighting in first person mode. I have never had anything like what you describe happen to me but I always play in FPM.

Put is a bug report request to Zendesk if you want HG to know what you would like to happen in third person mode.

I'm pretty sure it happens regardless of view mode. After so many seconds of not firing, your weapon lowers & you transition into the run animation.

The problem is that this game isn't a shooter. So unless you're going after wave 5 of sentinels, there just isn't a lot of shooting if you're prudent with your ammo. It happens a lot to me. It's very annoying, & it could use a little tweaking, but it's not that hard to deal with. Just really annoying at times.

I've been driving standard transmissions my entire life. Never owned an automatic. Then about 15-20 years ago when I bought a new car, it came with a "hill assist". When you're parked on a hill & release the brake to go, the computer keeps the brakes on for a few seconds to "make it easier" to start driving on hills. To someone who's done nothing but drive standard for decades, it's not an assist at all, it's annoying as ♥♥♥♥. It actually makes the car harder to drive because you have to fight it. If you disable it, you get a permanent yellow dash light.

I learned that if you briefly rev the engine, it will disable the "assist", & from then on, that's how I drove the car. Annoying, but with a little trick I could deal with it.

That is exactly how the weapon lowering feels to me. If I'm prudent & shoot like I should, it's going to get me occasionally. By preemptively firing I can (usually) deal with it. It's a hill assist. It's there, it sucks, but if you get mildly creative, it's not the worst thing in the world.
dreamrider 16 Jan @ 10:44pm 
On the other hand, if you lower your MT when Sentinels are investigating your "mining behind their backs", they tend to lose interest quicker, in my perception.

You can lower your weapon with the "F" key.
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