Ale Abbey

Ale Abbey

Demo Feedback
I'll come back later to update this, but my initial experience was bad enough that I don't feel like continue playing atm. I'll try again later.

1) The first thing I noticed was the lack of setting options. The most noticeable being no UI scaling. The text is small and pixelated. Please add UI scaling. It amazes me so many games ignore this. Not every plays 2 inches away from their monitor -- some people even play on TVs from distances of feet away. UI scaling makes the game work for all of those examples.

2) The lack of a tutorial makes this game confusing at the start. Even once you figure it out the start is just slow. You have at least 1 character doing nothing while you focus on the first research task. Such a slow start will make many become disinterested quickly.

3) Lack of game information. Adding an in-game guide or when hovering over certain UI it provides more detail would make the game easier to follow at first. Though a good enough tutorial could mitigate the usefulness of this.

I'd provide more detailed feedback... but the game just rubbed me the wrong way early. Such small text/UI with no UI scaling always immediately irritates me. It makes me question the developers decision making.

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Showing 1-3 of 3 comments
Dr.H  [developer] 4 Nov, 2024 @ 11:02pm 
Hi! I am really sorry you had such a bad first experience, but to address the first one, that seemed to disturb you the most, have you tried to change the settings?
Following up the first demo feedback, we added non-pixel font option and scalable UIs. Those should solve your problem and hopefull save our developers' decision making dignity in the process :lunar2019grinningpig:

Point 3) is certainly a UX problem of the game in the current state, in which we have to add more info, point 2) I am a bit uncertain if the problem is the lack of a tutorial (actually there is a tutorial and even if it's not of the kind that tells you at which step which button to click, it seemed to offer enough guidance to most of the players so far) or if it's the game speed that bothers you the most.

I hope I addressed your main problems and doubts!
Sepidaceous 5 Nov, 2024 @ 8:36pm 
Originally posted by Sgt.H:
Hi! I am really sorry you had such a bad first experience, but to address the first one, that seemed to disturb you the most, have you tried to change the settings?
Following up the first demo feedback, we added non-pixel font option and scalable UIs. Those should solve your problem and hopefull save our developers' decision making dignity in the process :lunar2019grinningpig:

Point 3) is certainly a UX problem of the game in the current state, in which we have to add more info, point 2) I am a bit uncertain if the problem is the lack of a tutorial (actually there is a tutorial and even if it's not of the kind that tells you at which step which button to click, it seemed to offer enough guidance to most of the players so far) or if it's the game speed that bothers you the most.

I hope I addressed your main problems and doubts!

If there's a scaleable UI I'll definitely give it another shot later on.
Dr.H  [developer] 5 Nov, 2024 @ 10:10pm 
Glad to hear so! The missing scaling option derived by that impossibility to stretch pixelart and pixel fonts without breaking them (and making the font completely unreadable). Therefore we could only scale them up by multiples of x2. At 1080p the scale was still solid (the default UI is a 960x540p size to display the pixellation) as it was x2, but at any other scale above that and below 2160p (that was a x4 and therefore good again), the scale was that of 1080p, therefore 1440, 1600 and 1800p resolutions suffered the most from a small, hard to read UI.
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