Ale Abbey
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Shiro_Steven  [nhà phát triển] 12 Thg10, 2024 @ 3:01pm
[DEMO] Patch notes / Updates
Find here all the updates made during the beta!
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Đang hiển thị 1-15 trong 15 bình luận
Dr.H  [nhà phát triển] 12 Thg10, 2024 @ 9:04pm 

* Fixed notifications issues (Sorry, was my personal fault in pasting the data :lunar2019grinningpig: )
* Fixed languages issues here and there and overflows in several languages (some are stil in, but babysteps)
* Added a tooltip to the ingredients for the Lord orders
* Fixes a few UIs that had ugly shapes
* Added a fix for bandits UIs and walking character
Lần sửa cuối bởi Dr.H; 12 Thg10, 2024 @ 9:05pm
Dr.H  [nhà phát triển] 12 Thg10, 2024 @ 9:05pm 

* Fixed bug of ale barrels stuck in the brewery after the brewing (won't work on old saves with that problem though, sorry)
* Fixed bug of the windows cover breaking with a given combination of buy and sell furniture
* Fixed nocturnal monks hiring bug
* Fixed hiring monks bug above maximum number
* Fixed a loading bug with paying off bandits with partially shipped ale (Talking about edge cases eh)
* Fixed serialization fo sold ales causing issues on load
* Fixed a bug on very highly decorated monasteries
* Capped loans to a maximum amount of fame
* Added Start brewing and Grain handling SFXs
* Added cursor indicator for mouse dragging and long click buttons
* Remapped zoom in and out on Home and End
Dr.H  [nhà phát triển] 12 Thg10, 2024 @ 9:05pm 

* Fixed some of freezing simulation reasons
* Fixed a problem with double orders deliveries
* Fixed bug with furniture modifiers not being restored properly on load
* Fix for brewery ale barrels appearing after a load when they shouldn't.
* Fixed draggable load menu panel
* Changed loans amount calculations
* Added more oomph and sounds to research (needs more) and fix wrong red header visualization
Dr.H  [nhà phát triển] 12 Thg10, 2024 @ 9:06pm 

* Fixed a bug (guys, thanks for the help here) that locked the brewery tools
* Fixed a bug about ales expiring right away in a barrel
* Several UI polish and fixes and added tooltips
* And we brokew a major functionality of the game, Ale deliveries, sorry :D
Dr.H  [nhà phát triển] 12 Thg10, 2024 @ 9:07pm 

* Fixed broken ale deliveries, everything seems to work fine again now
Dr.H  [nhà phát triển] 14 Thg10, 2024 @ 9:06pm 
[Release notes 0.6.20241014.03] (forgot to post them yesterday)

* Fixed several causes of deliveries stuck (some will happen, but we're on the way to fix those as well)
* Fixed bug with windows covers breaking on moving object
* Fixed bug with unselectable furniture due to alt tab
* Fixed bug with swappable furnitures exceptions
* Fixed an issue with Norwegian language computers
* Fixed the ale disappearances from saves when on the market
* Fixed jumping camera and speed controls issue on frequent alt-tabbing
* Added in game feedback tool for bugs and feedback reports
* Several UI and UX fixes for tutorial, main menu and HUD UI
* Adjusted readability and missing fonts for Chinese language
* Added new animated highlight for long click buttons
* Added Italian and Russian languages
Dr.H  [nhà phát triển] 15 Thg10, 2024 @ 12:10pm 
[0.6.20241015.01] Releaase Notes

* Fixed bug that in several occasions messed the deliveries up
* Fixed several minor UI issues
* Fixed some animation glitches, stuck bandit and bishop
* Reduced the dirt growth speed
* Reduced the requirements for the Comfort task and reduced the impact from low Comfort on Fermentines satisfaction
* Improved the reliability of the feedback tool
Dr.H  [nhà phát triển] 16 Thg10, 2024 @ 8:26am 
[0.6.20241016.01] Release notes

* Fixed a bug with order deliveries applying penalties for incomplete order
* Fixed a bug with the cooking stove getting stuck and crashing the game in rare cases
* Fix for bandit UI slider disappearing, it being possible to try and give them more ale than was available
* Bandits UI not being closeable using the ESC key.
* Fixed Comfort quest non providing reward if completed before requested by the bishop
* Fixed barrels not disappearing on the courtyard after loading
* Fixed cellar barrels stuck with ale unusable
* Fixed cellar barrels stuck unusable after being emptied
* Added maximum number of hireable Fermentines per phase
Dr.H  [nhà phát triển] 19 Thg10, 2024 @ 2:20am 
Release notes [0.6.20241019.01]

* Fixed an ale related to discarding Ale from a barrel in the cellar
* Fixed a bug about unassigning researchers from the Escritoire at night
* Fixed a bug that prevented tool selection after brewing twice a strong ale with the Unripe trait
* Fixed bishop hiring tasks happening at night time
* Fixed wrong notification about enough research points for a tech
* Fixed laymen visual bug getting stuck on moonwalk while exiting the world
* Fixed furniture swapping bug among rooms of different kind (still some edge cases to manage)
* Fixed mouse cursor stuck in candle shape
* Increase duration of notifications permanence on screen
Dr.H  [nhà phát triển] 19 Thg10, 2024 @ 4:05am 
Release notes [0.6.20241019.02]
* Fixed a bug with deliveries getting stuck
* Restored usability and access of the Orders panel button in Brewing UI
* Fixed a few typos in the Italian localization (more to come)
Dr.H  [nhà phát triển] 19 Thg10, 2024 @ 4:57am 
Release notes [0.6.20241019.03]
* Fixed a bug with deliveries getting stuck
Dr.H  [nhà phát triển] 19 Thg10, 2024 @ 6:40am 
Release notes [0.6.20241019.04]
* Fixed a bug that risked a crash if the delivery was split into two batches and the player tried to brew before the second one was delivered
Dr.H  [nhà phát triển] 21 Thg10, 2024 @ 3:59am 
Release notes [0.6.20241021.01]

* Reduced a bit furniture and room building costs
* Increased a bit the rewards for the tasks (You still need to get that brewing stove to work non stop if you want your economy to thrive though!)
* Fixed several minor UI bugs

A major rehaul and rebalancing of the economy and the money needed in the tutorial will be done in the following weeks, it can't be rushed.
Dr.H  [nhà phát triển] 27 Thg10, 2024 @ 1:57am 
Release notes [0.6.20241027.01]

* Added non pixel font option and scalable UIs option
* Added resolution picker
* Fixed and refactored the furniture menu (ring menu) and furniture selection bug
* Fixed monks graphic glitch on stuck walk
* Fixed visualization of ales on multiple ales on sales on the same village
* Fixed bug that allowed to hire fermentines for free on low money
* Added a few missing tooltips (more to come)
* Fixed camera moving onfeedback form
* Fixed several issues related to ale results that softlocked the game
* Changed feedback key to F11 to avoid overlap with steam screenshots key
* Localized the names of the villages
* Improved stability of the feedback tool
* Fixed some overflows with the negotiation and intro panels
Lần sửa cuối bởi Dr.H; 27 Thg10, 2024 @ 1:57am
Dr.H  [nhà phát triển] 31 Thg10, 2024 @ 6:04am 
Release notes [0.6.20241031.02]

* Fixed several reasons why the laymen crashed the game or got a brew stuck
* Fixed visualization of panel for rebrew with dummy values
* Fixed a bug on loans repayments being request at the wrong times
* Fixed an escritoire bug on removal of researchers
* Fixed several bandits payments-related bugs
* Fixed some bugs on the bishop cleaning tasks
* Fixed barrel's bug that allow to refill a barrel partly used for an order delivery
* Reduced minimum recipe name to one font
* Removed unlocalized Monk name from Ale name
* Testing a series of Recipes UI optimizations
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