Ale Abbey

Ale Abbey

Demo feedback I guess.
If there was no public option it would be better.
The discord link from game isn't working.
This feedback will be all over the place and I won't read it afterwards(also english is not my first... meh).

*It would be nice to know what each decoration do(in numbers, %, whatever).
*Night//day transition is nice.
*Master volume was still kinda loud on ~10%.
*From esc - back to title - no confirmation on save? Did it? No?
*The merchant price on new ale at start vary by a lot - I fell almost double sometimes - not explained why, the estimated price on sale is on liter/whatever mesure, not the purchase amount?
*Why is there merchant at start without explanation/use
*Load game should be first at menu, if you got one.
*The research mousehold hint could be bigger, maybe replace the hand, otherwise nice, good.
*After completing quest the bishop or whatever person isn't aviable til morning or whenever, was bit confusing, because you got to speed up to craft ale and then there was delay, or if you pause to check what needs doing, he won't appear.
*I completly missed the first opportunity to hire new people, because the time was sped up - to cook ale, as there was nothing else to do - and it disappeared too quick. ->
- Maybe after "new events" set the speed to 1x(that you can disable in menu)
*Selling ale is not really clear - it displays the amount of money, but not selling the whole quantity - maybe "you sold 75% of ale for x amount?" or another distinction to not selling everyhitng?
< >
Showing 1-5 of 5 comments
Dr.H  [developer] 15 Jan @ 10:53pm 
Hi there! I will have the discord link checked, I hope we were not dumb enough to set it to an expiring link when we made the demo :lunar2019grinningpig:

Regarding everything else (PS english it not our first language either, and yours is great btw), first of all, thanks for taking the time to write your feedback. I basically agree with most of them, and a lot of it is already being addressed for the release build (we will also update the demo before then). UX was our weak spot in several parts of the game, causing that snese of confusion/not knowing what to do, were are trying to address that a lot and add a ton of tooltips to make everything (or almost) clear.

We shall have a few updates soon, cheers and thanks for playing! PS we also shortened a lot the durations of brewing, to avoid the need for those long periods of high speed ;)

Cheers and thanks
Iniferia 19 Jan @ 2:48pm 
Originally posted by Sgt.H:
Hi there! I will have the discord link checked, I hope we were not dumb enough to set it to an expiring link when we made the demo :lunar2019grinningpig:

Regarding everything else (PS english it not our first language either, and yours is great btw), first of all, thanks for taking the time to write your feedback. I basically agree with most of them, and a lot of it is already being addressed for the release build (we will also update the demo before then). UX was our weak spot in several parts of the game, causing that snese of confusion/not knowing what to do, were are trying to address that a lot and add a ton of tooltips to make everything (or almost) clear.

We shall have a few updates soon, cheers and thanks for playing! PS we also shortened a lot the durations of brewing, to avoid the need for those long periods of high speed ;)

Cheers and thanks

-The discord is my bad - I have VPN and even tho I disabled it and reloaded, it shows as an error, I needed to open it in annonymous, then it works.
Other feedback is based on being my dumbest self(new player - intentionally):
-I still think it would be nice to name saves or get a confirmation on save. It is fine to "steal" someone's 1 second to make them know it did something.
-Delivering quest is a bit confusing, you can't do it thorough quest menu, but it is a kind of small icon when selling on map. It should be just bigger, or something. It's just too missable(thank monk the delivery time is generous).
-Another -I might be just dumb - "Store in cellar" being the last button after brewing instead of "sell" made me click it embarrasing amount of times.
-Maybe being able to set automatic payment to bandits? It is just annoying at this point. There is no point to it beside watching specific part of screen.
-(small QoL)If I click to clean a room with a broom when zoomed out, there is no response and I can't see it cleaned or if it did anything. Maybe small icon in corner to indicate? Or anything, that it worked?
-The quest giver could just have a flat 5 second delay without considering pause game
-what is the cande next to broom for? Maybe make the buttons greyed out, or explain them when relevant.(I saw there is Manual in the making - good work - it was my next point)

Overall, I probably love the game, I would not have anything to say if I did not. It's just the small things that made me frustrated. It is almost "there". You(Ya'll) did a great job.
Dr.H  [developer] 19 Jan @ 9:41pm 
Originally posted by Iniferia:
Originally posted by Sgt.H:
Hi there! I will have the discord link checked, I hope we were not dumb enough to set it to an expiring link when we made the demo :lunar2019grinningpig:

Regarding everything else (PS english it not our first language either, and yours is great btw), first of all, thanks for taking the time to write your feedback. I basically agree with most of them, and a lot of it is already being addressed for the release build (we will also update the demo before then). UX was our weak spot in several parts of the game, causing that snese of confusion/not knowing what to do, were are trying to address that a lot and add a ton of tooltips to make everything (or almost) clear.

We shall have a few updates soon, cheers and thanks for playing! PS we also shortened a lot the durations of brewing, to avoid the need for those long periods of high speed ;)

Cheers and thanks

-The discord is my bad - I have VPN and even tho I disabled it and reloaded, it shows as an error, I needed to open it in annonymous, then it works.
Other feedback is based on being my dumbest self(new player - intentionally):
-I still think it would be nice to name saves or get a confirmation on save. It is fine to "steal" someone's 1 second to make them know it did something.
-Delivering quest is a bit confusing, you can't do it thorough quest menu, but it is a kind of small icon when selling on map. It should be just bigger, or something. It's just too missable(thank monk the delivery time is generous).
-Another -I might be just dumb - "Store in cellar" being the last button after brewing instead of "sell" made me click it embarrasing amount of times.
-Maybe being able to set automatic payment to bandits? It is just annoying at this point. There is no point to it beside watching specific part of screen.
-(small QoL)If I click to clean a room with a broom when zoomed out, there is no response and I can't see it cleaned or if it did anything. Maybe small icon in corner to indicate? Or anything, that it worked?
-The quest giver could just have a flat 5 second delay without considering pause game
-what is the cande next to broom for? Maybe make the buttons greyed out, or explain them when relevant.(I saw there is Manual in the making - good work - it was my next point)

Overall, I probably love the game, I would not have anything to say if I did not. It's just the small things that made me frustrated. It is almost "there". You(Ya'll) did a great job.

I love feedback, and these days before release are still chill enough (despite the huge amount of work we are doing) that I can check it out and discuss it without excessive stress :D

You make all good points, and I am glad that some have been already addressed (some instead, while I am aware of them, we didn't have time/we are not sure how to). We will update the demo a little bit before release to make sure the build is up to date with the new stuff.
1. Saves are gonna get both a confirmation, a better UI with naming and a better sorting system
2. We are trying to update smartly the quests/ale orders system (that one has been giving us hell since the beginning, it's a good concept, but kinda harsh to integrate in the UI of the rest of the game so far), I hope this time we nailed it ;)
3. Store in cellar I kinda agree with you, but I really have no idea where to put it at the moment (it used to have a long click button, but we are trying to keep those only for delete and trash functions at the moment), but maybe a small confirmation could help (we are also adding the option to auto-store an ale from the brewing UI already)
4. We are changing a bit the bandits so that paying them in Ale will slow down a lot the need to pay them, and some ales will have special effects on them. I wouldn't want to automate them (otherwise I might as well remove them), but we have a few ideas over the course of the EA to make them a bit more intriguing/useful (we also already changed quite a few things in the ranges of their mood and make them appear a lot later in the game)
5. Already fixed that one, we added a UI indicator also when zoomed out!
6. What do you mean with the 5 seconds delay for the quest giver?
7. We are adding a lot of tooltips, but that one specifically is to refill emptied light sources until you have Custodian monks that can automate that

I am glad you're enjoying the game enough to feel like providing us feedback, that's how we grew our demo into the current build. Sometimes when you are inside the project, there's a few obvious things you end up not seeing anymore :P I really hope all the changes we made since the demo (spoiler, there are now special recipe quests to unlock the styles) will be fun in the upcoming release!

Iniferia 20 Jan @ 1:20am 
3. Maybe put them next to each other? Like: | STORE | | SELL |
Or below each other:
| SELL |

6. I meant with the main quest giver not giving quest/appearing at night or pause as I wrote the first time. I honestly don't know why I wrote that point, it's not important :D

But just thanks for reading and good job on the game so far.
And good luck going forward :)
Dr.H  [developer] 20 Jan @ 5:55am 
Originally posted by Iniferia:
3. Maybe put them next to each other? Like: | STORE | | SELL |
Or below each other:
| SELL |

6. I meant with the main quest giver not giving quest/appearing at night or pause as I wrote the first time. I honestly don't know why I wrote that point, it's not important :D

But just thanks for reading and good job on the game so far.
And good luck going forward :)

the idea for the Store button might actually work, I guess in my imagination, being down in the cellar "illustration" made more clear where it was meant to go, but indeed side by side it might make for a more reasonable decision.

back to the work on the game manual now too!
cheers and thanks again!
< >
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