SHOCKER 3 Feb, 2017 @ 8:20am
Cant change the controls,why?
Because who make the game are idiots,and why small image too...if you dont have good ideas to make them good,just dont do it...
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prániko 3 Feb, 2017 @ 9:33am 
jay_rab 3 Feb, 2017 @ 10:57am 
Thanks for your feedback, the way it is set up currently is for an arcade like feel, its very common for bullet hell shooters to have a fixed control scheme specially when they have a leaderboard. And while you cant set your controls to any button it does offer you different combinations of layouts for the existing buttons. As well as being able to set the resolution, rotate the display, vertical sync, and other options via the configuration tool.
Originally posted by SHOCKER:
Because who make the game are idiots,and why small image too...if you dont have good ideas to make them good,just dont do it...
Because the game was developed in the year 1999, when people had CRT monitors and "set the screen to 640x480 and go full-screen" was standard practice.
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