Pankus 14 Jun, 2022 @ 6:59pm
CD Audio Music?
While browsing through the sound options in settings apart from MIDI and PCM audio, there's a thrid option called CD Audio and due to the fact that when I tried starting a game with such sound option selected, there was no music output at all. So assuming it was a custom audio options I went into the game files to see if there was a folder to insert tracks but apart from the "bgm" folder having pcm and MIDI folders, there isn't one for Redbook Audio, so then again

¿Do custom bgm tracks need to be encoded at a certain format or kbps, do I need to create a custom folder for the tracks, or what is the procedure at all to insert custom music into the game?

Thanks In Advance
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I believe CD audio is a vestigial option, from the japanese CD-ROM release. That's not an option for a custom soundtrack, it is an option for playing music off the disk instead of through your MIDI synthesizer. You must remember this game was first released in 1999, and has been only lightly reworked.


And a few minutes later, I've actually stuck a random audio CD in my drive and started the game up. Yes, it is an ACTUAL CD audio option, and it will play music off arbitrary disks, so the custom soundtrack procedure is "burn a CD-R".

Music will start on track 2, as the game believes track 1 is for CD-ROM data. Track 2 is definitely the music for the first stage,
I did not explore this feature farther than that.
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Date Posted: 14 Jun, 2022 @ 6:59pm
Posts: 1