Kingdom Rush 5: Alliance TD

Kingdom Rush 5: Alliance TD

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Kranst 26 Dec, 2024 @ 5:57pm
Naming Scheme
So like...

Why is this not called Kingdom Rush Alliance - Tower Defense like the others... :steamfacepalm:
Last edited by Kranst; 26 Dec, 2024 @ 5:57pm
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valky 5 Jan @ 10:43am 
(sry my other post - didn't get what you were at ^^)

So, lazy people don't have to go thru release dates or don't know the older games in their particular order.
And Alliance is either way right below "KR" but before 'Origins' & 'Frontiers'... which I hate. My OCD triggers
I think they are named the same in the google store....but to lazy to check.

The icons of Vengeance and Alliance also don't fit the old scheme.

edit: "Oh, look, it's already the 5th game - so it must be good."
basic marketing

double-edit: which it is NOT! It's the worst KR game *point*
Last edited by valky; 5 Jan @ 12:25pm
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