Kingdom Rush 5: Alliance TD

Kingdom Rush 5: Alliance TD

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The DLC...
I remember when they used to drop content for free, so dedicated and now, look at them. It used to be one of my favorite franchises but now ended just like all the others.
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Showing 1-14 of 14 comments
Agreus 11 Jan @ 1:45am 
Wanting to survive of their work ? I can understand that.
We've already gotten 2 free KRA updates and at least one more is coming after the DLC. I know that it's annoying having to pay for extra content, but hopefully we'll have just as much content by the end of Alliance as Vengeance sans DLC.
Originally posted by Agreus:
Wanting to survive of their work ? I can understand that.

Agreed, as long as they don't overdo it (with the price-vs-content relationship).

After all, you don't *have* to buy it - *if* you don't want new content, that is.

Though while I like the series, KR-V somehow felt more complex (which was a good thing) - propably because the towers had 1 ability more on Lvl4...
its called enshitiFUcation, happens a lot, vote with your wallet, dont buy if u dont like, I didnt this time...
5 missions only, so would want to be cheap.. otherwise pass. Miss the old days of buying a complete base game and then any dlc would generally make it an entire new game. I'm talking just about as big as the base game itself.

These days everything is just milking. But so many people buy them, that most companies just end up following suit and making more tiny dlc.

I know the 5 missions will be top quality as per usual. But depends on what they think it's worth. The hero prices on mobile are pretty disgusting, but at least you don't need them.
Last edited by iSurvivedRKelly; 25 Jan @ 4:25am
Originally posted by TTVMisfisto:
I remember when they used to drop content for free, so dedicated and now, look at them. It used to be one of my favorite franchises but now ended just like all the others.
We got 2 expansions already for free and we will get 1 more after the DLC and you start crying about a DLC that cost something?

Ended like all the others? Are you starting comparing this to EA that charge money for worst content ever?
Originally posted by ☁アンナとルカス☁:
Originally posted by TTVMisfisto:
I remember when they used to drop content for free, so dedicated and now, look at them. It used to be one of my favorite franchises but now ended just like all the others.
We got 2 expansions already for free and we will get 1 more after the DLC and you start crying about a DLC that cost something?

Ended like all the others? Are you starting comparing this to EA that charge money for worst content ever?

Not crying child, making a point. Have you seen the hero costs on mobile? Hope i didn't ruin your day. I mean comparing to EA you're clearly going waaaay overboard. Don't be mad i made i point.

And lvl 3 profile, 33 games you clearly have no idea what i'm talking about 25 years ago whilst you weren't even a drop of salt.
Last edited by iSurvivedRKelly; 26 Jan @ 11:55pm
Originally posted by iSurvivedRKelly:
Originally posted by ☁アンナとルカス☁:
We got 2 expansions already for free and we will get 1 more after the DLC and you start crying about a DLC that cost something?

Ended like all the others? Are you starting comparing this to EA that charge money for worst content ever?

And lvl 3 profile, 33 games you clearly have no idea what i'm talking about 25 years ago whilst you weren't even a drop of salt.

My Profile is lvl 43 and i own 35 Games idk what it even have to do with what i said also have a second Account
Last edited by ☁アンナとルカス☁; 27 Jan @ 6:21am
Originally posted by ☁アンナとルカス☁:
Originally posted by iSurvivedRKelly:

And lvl 3 profile, 33 games you clearly have no idea what i'm talking about 25 years ago whilst you weren't even a drop of salt.

My Profile is lvl 43 and i own 35 Games idk what it even have to do with what i said also have a second Account

VAC ban.. go take a long walk off a short cliff kid..
Originally posted by iSurvivedRKelly:
Originally posted by ☁アンナとルカス☁:

My Profile is lvl 43 and i own 35 Games idk what it even have to do with what i said also have a second Account

VAC ban.. go take a long walk off a short cliff kid..
First of its not a Vac Ban it is a Game Ban Sherlock

Second the ban was given when second griefing offensive was issued in cs go.

You keep calling me a kid and making excuses. But you are not capable of having a simple discussion.

Also the comment you left under the profile shows what kind of a person you are.

Imagine being and adult and keep insulting people online.

Maybe take a minute and think again who is the kid here.
Last edited by ☁アンナとルカス☁; 28 Jan @ 2:37am
Originally posted by ☁アンナとルカス☁:
Originally posted by TTVMisfisto:
I remember when they used to drop content for free, so dedicated and now, look at them. It used to be one of my favorite franchises but now ended just like all the others.
We got 2 expansions already for free and we will get 1 more after the DLC and you start crying about a DLC that cost something?

Ended like all the others? Are you starting comparing this to EA that charge money for worst content ever?

Crying over an opinion.
it's five dollars... a cup of coffee at a Starbucks. If you are complaining about the pricing for newly released dlc you seriously need to change your priorities or hobby
Mustang 30 Jan @ 8:49am 
So you want the developers to work for free or what? - and the DLC is very cheap..
Nah, you totally come off as crying here no matter how hard you are trying to gaslight it. Dev's gotta eat bro
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