Tabletop Simulator

Tabletop Simulator

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Dco 23 Jan @ 2:17pm
Tabletop Sim Update Wishlist.
As someone with almost 6000 hours into this game at the time of writing this my wish list for the game would be this. The list is in order of importance to me.

-The edge of the room to actually be the edge. Ive moved the rooms edge to its max but sometimes I nee to find the false edge for doodling and for moving things around, its a hassle.

-The ability to see which things in a room are taking up the most resources. Trial and error is hard for finding out what may be breaking or slowing down a room.

-Better Custom Tokens. Making a way to add a Blank side that just shows a silhouette on the back of a token using transparency or to get rid of the token base would be neat.

-Better drawing in general. Sometimes it sucks that when drawing on something you actually are drawing over an object or that the pen size is determined by the size of the object.

-Optimization for high data rooms. I have some rooms that use a ton of objects, id love just a bit more optimization or an update to give a bit less lag. I know this is my fault tho so its not something I will blame the game for. Still wish I could just load it all at once and not have the room load things in every minute or so.

-More Update posts, to show that the team is still working on things, even if nothing changes just a update on what things are being worked on so we don't feel like the game is not being worked on would be nice.

Thank you for reading. Game is fun.
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Showing 1-6 of 6 comments
holographic cards are already possible, and have been for many years
Rex 23 Jan @ 8:10pm 
The drawing is so awful and this is in spite a Unity 3D demo of a Windows Paint like painting program being largely available even before majority of TTS' development, if not all of it.

It would be nice to have the hand expanded. As of now, it just forces all items to float in your hand. It would be nice to have it so the zone tool is combined with the hand, but instead of taking space on the table the player can have something in their "virtual space" they can quickly reference while browsing the table freely. This way, I can view freely my playercard with the tokens on it and everything as if it's sitting down still on the table. The zone tool could be updated to fulfill this need, but I'd also like to see a way to have this without flooding the table (have my own virtual space if you will).

Additionally, would love a tool for host to force blind people when it isn't their turn, force turn time limits, and give hosts global blindness they can toggle on and off. As of now, a lot is down to trusting players, both with their honesty as well technical competence. I also don't know if the chat displays who is blind and who isn't is exactly helpful, it could be turned off (or be toggleable for host to be turned off) so we don't know who the bad guys are.

The ingame music player is such a cool tool, but it could be expanded. For one, it would be nice if it displayed the track name/artist and who added it to the playlist. It could be a cool way to share music with many people, both for laughs and to admire each other's findings or taste. As of now, it feels hard to be motivated to add your music. It didn't need to be stored on your steam cloud, it could have been a youtube link being streamed as audio.

Finally, the tablet sucks. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ fix it. I should be able to prompt it to stop asking if I give someone permission to use it. Just let us freely browse live.

None of this will happen but always worth sharing in case someone is making the time to rip off of TTS. I await a worthy competitor. As of now, there isn't one except for complete downgrades of this game.
Last edited by Rex; 23 Jan @ 8:11pm
Originally posted by Rex:
None of this will happen but always worth sharing in case someone is making the time to rip off of TTS. I await a worthy competitor. As of now, there isn't one except for complete downgrades of this game.

You heard of tabletop playground? It's basically a straight upgrade to this game. Only downside is less mods, but you can port assets (not scripting though) from TTS to TTPG if you really want.
MAD 29 Jan @ 7:58am 
I am trying to make a tabletop war game.

* Ability to make a custom table of a specific size. (At the moment the measured movement distance of a token is independent of table size. I just want them on the same scale)
* Able to move tokens with keyboard ie go forward backward (At the moment all you can do is rotate with Q/E)
* A ruler so I can measure distance between tokens.
* A ruler to measure range and bearing ie 14" and in front arc of token
Last edited by MAD; 29 Jan @ 8:59am
Baryonyx 29 Jan @ 10:56am 
Originally posted by Dco:

-The ability to see which things in a room are taking up the most resources. Trial and error is hard for finding out what may be breaking or slowing down a room.


-Optimization for high data rooms. I have some rooms that use a ton of objects, id love just a bit more optimization or an update to give a bit less lag. I know this is my fault tho so its not something I will blame the game for. Still wish I could just load it all at once and not have the room load things in every minute or so.

-More Update posts, to show that the team is still working on things, even if nothing changes just a update on what things are being worked on so we don't feel like the game is not being worked on would be nice.


What assets are in the room and how much computing power they take is up to the user really... There are ways to implement LOD too, one of my mods makes use of it. But a user has to implement it manually when creating an asset bundle. But that might be a good idea, to ship an automatic LOD component with the Unity Creation kit, so that it becomes easier to make more optimised components.

And regarding the update posts, you kind of spelled it out yourself...

Personally, I would love an update to the Fog of War mechanic to allow for double blind play, especially for wargames.
Last edited by Baryonyx; 29 Jan @ 10:57am
Slushy 1 Feb @ 7:40am 
You can edit the Save file of a table and manually set the number for it's Play Area to make it as large as you want, just don't mess with the slider after getting back in-game on it. There are some tables on the workshop that've already done this, like the Infinity Table or whatever its called.
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