Tabletop Simulator

Tabletop Simulator

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MAD 29 Jan @ 9:00am
Stop table rotation
How do you stop the table rotating?
I select a token by left clicking on it.
If by mistake I use the right mouse button I select the table and it rotates and tilts.
I would like to remove that feature and have a fixed table.
Last edited by MAD; 29 Jan @ 5:33pm
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Baryonyx 29 Jan @ 10:46am 
I'm not sure what exactly you mean, a standard table shouldn't rotate on its own. Are you using a mod? Or maybe you have a controller connected that might be causing this?
MAD 15 Feb @ 10:39pm 
Originally posted by Baryonyx:
I'm not sure what exactly you mean, a standard table shouldn't rotate on its own. Are you using a mod? Or maybe you have a controller connected that might be causing this?

Stop accidental movement
ie accidentally press right mouse button whiich results in the table movintg
Last edited by MAD; 15 Feb @ 10:49pm
This is the behaviour of the third-person camera. You can override this behaviour by attaching the user's camera to a static Object. Head to the Official TTS Discord server's #scripting channel for a better platform to receive help.
type P
Last edited by Budster024; 26 Feb @ 1:14am
NORU 26 Feb @ 3:28am 
some tables are invisible for cursor and you cant manipulate with em, thats your best bet.
i wonder how people in workshop make those, i hate to grab mine all the time aswell

im still dont undestand your main problem though - you accidentaly rotating table or just a camera. you say table but everything you say also just means "daym i hate rotate around the table", its confusing

if 1 - press L on table, if 2 - press P, but both options have a "but".
its the only ways so far.
Last edited by NORU; 26 Feb @ 3:33am
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