Tabletop Simulator

Tabletop Simulator

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Always able to flip tables
For some reason I can always flip the table. I have been trying hard to get the failed flip table achievement for years now.

Servers I host, turn off flip table permission, I can flip table.
Servers my friends host, they turned off flip table permission, I can flip table.

I went into some randos MTG game asked is table flip disabled? they say yes. I tell them double check. They do. I flip their table.

I went to another randos MTG game, checked their permissions, yup table flipping turned off.

I flipped that table too

I am I cursed with this trolling super power? How?! I've been playing for years now and i m finally given up trouble shooting it myself.

Please anyone help me!
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Showing 1-3 of 3 comments
Baryonyx 30 Jan @ 6:08pm 
Normally, you can always flip the table as a host, even when it is turned off. But you shouldn't be able to do it, when you are in someone elses room and it is turned off. Except you were promoted maybe.
Can you record this and put it up here perhaps? Not that I don't believe you, but I would like to see it with my own eyes.
Last edited by Baryonyx; 30 Jan @ 6:08pm
Juice 30 Jan @ 7:36pm 
lock the table first
I'm sorry, but this is just really fun
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