

Swato85 6 May, 2022 @ 12:39pm
This game is a pearl. Any similar games to this one?
There are no games like this anymore. Shadow company, Brigade E5, High calibre, HC-Hard life, they were good but buggy as hell. This game was straight up upgrade in terms of stability and options but lacks the open world freedom of somekind as its quite a straightforward game. Anybody of you know of any similar games like this? With good tactical play, units equipment and developement, best paired with somekind of base management? Would be thankfull for any suggestions.
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Showing 1-15 of 41 comments
Great Ape 7 May, 2022 @ 9:19pm 
Good question
rompier02 14 May, 2022 @ 12:02pm 
Hi. Try Silent Storm/Silent Storm Sentinels/Planet Alcatraz - no base management /Survivalist Invisible Strain - this is still in EA - got base building/raids/base management. Can also try Jagged Alliance Gold - very old game though & JA2. Good luck.
Swato85 14 May, 2022 @ 4:09pm 
Thxmate. But silent storm is both old and not so tactical/smart pause oriented. Planet alcatraz one was good, second has a really bad translation and Russian language though I know and understand I am not pro at it when it comes to sooo much slang involved within. Invisible strain I do have in library, just dont feel like going that route at the moment - was looking for something still within reality bounds. But thanks for suggestions mate :-). Its hard to imagine invisible strain to have tactical battles, since first game was simply an arcade shooter with some base management.
Maharishi 17 May, 2022 @ 3:29am 
XCOM Enemy Unknown, XCOM Enemy Within and XCOM2 of course. Maybe Phoenix Point and Xenonauts, I don't know, didn't play these two games, but they are in a similar genre.
Swato85 17 May, 2022 @ 4:38am 
Originally posted by Maharishi:
XCOM Enemy Unknown, XCOM Enemy Within and XCOM2 of course. Maybe Phoenix Point and Xenonauts, I don't know, didn't play these two games, but they are in a similar genre.

Thanks for your suggestion, but this is common confussion caused by the providers not knowing the game. Turned based is itself a completely different approach to a smart pause mode which is a lot more dificult and closer to reality. Phoenix point wrecks xcom in terms of tactical involvement having impact by reducing the RNG dependancy which is basicaly just an excuse of designers for not having a thorough system. Still it lacks the freedom and customisation depth. Xenonauts are great turned based game that stick xcom and PP in its pocket with ease (most people argue here only because of graphics, sad), its a lot more tactical dependant rather than just junkluck like xcom often is. Gun halfway inside enemy and hit chance still only 60%, there is no excuse for xcom there 😆. PHOENIX POINT does this a lot better. Still its not like the marauder, brigade and caliber series but thank you for your suggestions.
NUTATCO 5 Aug, 2022 @ 7:16am 
This game is one of a kind. And a lot of games are not available in digital stores, they're forgotten.
I'm affraid you have to mod OpenXCOM (or any other game) into something resembling this game.
Base management? Lmao... that makes search impossible even... that leave you with Fallout4.
But anyway - maybe "Soldiers of Anarchy" but be warned - it's really janky.
Silent Storm? Nah, better get Hammer&Sickle but it's not available to sell.
Maybe "The Fall - Last Days of Gaia" or "Shadow Vault", UnderRail + Expedition, ATOM RPG with Trudograd, Visitation-Tunguska...
Last edited by NUTATCO; 5 Aug, 2022 @ 7:16am
Swato85 5 Aug, 2022 @ 7:20am 
Originally posted by NUTATCO:
This game is one of a kind. And a lot of games are not available in digital stores, they're forgotten.
I'm affraid you have to mod OpenXCOM (or any other game) into something resembling this game.
Base management? Lmao... that makes search impossible even... that leave you with Fallout4.
But anyway - maybe "Soldiers of Anarchy" but be warned - it's really janky.
Silent Storm? Nah, better get Hammer&Sickle but it's not available to sell.
Maybe "The Fall - Last Days of Gaia" or "Shadow Vault", UnderRail + Expedition, ATOM RPG with Trudograd, Visitation-Tunguska...

Lol firend you mentioned all games that I played and loved for their one-of-a-kind game experience. I will propably add that you missed Shadow Company, which partialy started the genre :-D.
Samz 5 Aug, 2022 @ 8:54am 
Originally posted by NUTATCO:
This game is one of a kind. And a lot of games are not available in digital stores, they're forgotten.
I'm affraid you have to mod OpenXCOM (or any other game) into something resembling this game.
Base management? Lmao... that makes search impossible even... that leave you with Fallout4.
But anyway - maybe "Soldiers of Anarchy" but be warned - it's really janky.
Silent Storm? Nah, better get Hammer&Sickle but it's not available to sell.
Maybe "The Fall - Last Days of Gaia" or "Shadow Vault", UnderRail + Expedition, ATOM RPG with Trudograd, Visitation-Tunguska...

I like Silent Storm.
That said I do REALLY wish Hammer and Sickle (As well as other Silent Storm games like Night/Day Watch) were on Steam/GOG as they interest me and physical copies having terrible DRM means I haven't played them yet.
Iceweazel 17 Sep, 2022 @ 1:18pm 
Originally posted by Samz:
Originally posted by NUTATCO:
This game is one of a kind. And a lot of games are not available in digital stores, they're forgotten.
I'm affraid you have to mod OpenXCOM (or any other game) into something resembling this game.
Base management? Lmao... that makes search impossible even... that leave you with Fallout4.
But anyway - maybe "Soldiers of Anarchy" but be warned - it's really janky.
Silent Storm? Nah, better get Hammer&Sickle but it's not available to sell.
Maybe "The Fall - Last Days of Gaia" or "Shadow Vault", UnderRail + Expedition, ATOM RPG with Trudograd, Visitation-Tunguska...

I like Silent Storm.
That said I do REALLY wish Hammer and Sickle (As well as other Silent Storm games like Night/Day Watch) were on Steam/GOG as they interest me and physical copies having terrible DRM means I haven't played them yet.

Silent Storm IS on steam. sort of. It's a hackish 'Gold' edition. Both together in a mildly buggy version for Steam. It used to have a demo, doesn't seem like it any longer.
Demo was bad enough to keep me from re-purchasing it.

SilentStorm and Sentinals are true classics. Hammer and Sickle was rather buggy, and while I enjoyed the movies, never got around to playing Night/Day watch. Nival was quite a good developer in those days. Rage of Mages was a HUGE hit with my friends here in the states. Only co-op could have made SilentStorm better.
Defiant Dan 25 Sep, 2022 @ 8:40am 
Originally posted by Swato85:
Originally posted by NUTATCO:
This game is one of a kind. And a lot of games are not available in digital stores, they're forgotten.
I'm affraid you have to mod OpenXCOM (or any other game) into something resembling this game.
Base management? Lmao... that makes search impossible even... that leave you with Fallout4.
But anyway - maybe "Soldiers of Anarchy" but be warned - it's really janky.
Silent Storm? Nah, better get Hammer&Sickle but it's not available to sell.
Maybe "The Fall - Last Days of Gaia" or "Shadow Vault", UnderRail + Expedition, ATOM RPG with Trudograd, Visitation-Tunguska...

Lol firend you mentioned all games that I played and loved for their one-of-a-kind game experience. I will propably add that you missed Shadow Company, which partialy started the genre :-D.

When youre able to go back far enough, then check out the original Jagged Alliance Games... they are the spiritual Grandfather for all this Games.
Its an Island with Map Squares you have to conquer , and you have to manage finances,hire Mercenaries and buy Weapons with them, and then lead them in round based Battles.
Last edited by Defiant Dan; 25 Sep, 2022 @ 8:43am
Capt. Slappy 20 Jan, 2023 @ 6:58pm 
Very few in this specific line of games unfortunately. Frozen Synapse would be a good mention. You also might get some enjoyment out of Satellite Reign the spiritual successor to the classic Syndicate.
Maharishi 20 Jan, 2023 @ 7:03pm 
Try Planet Alcatraz and Planet Alcatraz 2, they has smart pause combat.
Swato85 21 Jan, 2023 @ 2:47am 
Originally posted by Maharishi:
Try Planet Alcatraz and Planet Alcatraz 2, they has smart pause combat.

those are great i think russian games, but can be quite hard to understand with all the slang and bandit talk mixed in and no official translation. I live for some time away from Ukraine so my primary language has eventualy changed but although I can talk with Russians, this was a challenge :-D at some point. Still a great game from the group like High calibre, Bridgade E7, but with more alive world lets says, propably the closest you can get to Marauder. If there only was something like the Marauder 2 - Personaly I kinda wished Highcalibre would get the system/engine of Marauder, that would make the game into a huge time spponge for me :-D.
Capt. Slappy 15 Mar, 2023 @ 1:47pm 
I've been playing some Jagged Alliance Back in Action lately. It is incredibly dumbed down when compared to Marauder or 7.62 but it'll scratch the itch.
Swato85 15 Mar, 2023 @ 3:19pm 
Originally posted by Capt. Slappy:
I've been playing some Jagged Alliance Back in Action lately. It is incredibly dumbed down when compared to Marauder or 7.62 but it'll scratch the itch.

yep, thats about all about JA:BIA. Scratches the itch but after some areas gets sooo f***** repetitive and borring to fight neverending waves of reinforcement coming from one last area... Like the heell there is nowhere to get new people there - DO they have a demonic summoning rituals or what - that basicaly bores me the most in Jabia, does irational constant waves.
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Date Posted: 6 May, 2022 @ 12:39pm
Posts: 41