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protobob 9 Apr, 2014 @ 9:40am
Grenade Launchers, how to load them?
I've tried using both the underbelly GL attachment and the RG-6 grenade launcher and I can't get 40mm grenades to load in either one. Is there some trick to this? Dropping the 40mm grenades on them or clicking reload with the item equiped does nothing. Seems like there was a trick you had to do in 7.62 but I might be mistaken.
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Showing 1-15 of 21 comments
Pandi 9 Apr, 2014 @ 1:07pm 
I would also very much like to know this. Can't figure it out myself.
Drakefang 9 Apr, 2014 @ 9:29pm 
It's a translation issue.

Look for a file called "ADDONINFO" in your Man of Prey\INI\ITEMS folder. Open it as a text file (with Notepad).

Search the text for lines with "GrenadeType" parameter. This is what was left untranslated.

Simply change the cyrilic characters with "40 mm (rus.)" (leave the quotes).

Don't forget to save the file.

Pandi 10 Apr, 2014 @ 7:16am 
Spasiba Bayard, spasiba.
Typ32 10 Apr, 2014 @ 9:29am 
protobob 10 Apr, 2014 @ 12:25pm 
Awseome, thanks.
RGC21 15 May, 2014 @ 5:07am 
I have applied the change to the INI file as above. It worked once, but now the grenade selection catch does not work. Also how do you load the RG-6 ? Thanks.
Drakefang 16 May, 2014 @ 3:45pm 
RGC21, Try to backtrack what you did, and compare it to the fix I suggested.

If nothing works, try deleting ADDONINFO and then ask Steam to validate your files - so you'll get a new one to apply the fix to.
RGC21 17 May, 2014 @ 2:49am 
Thanks, re-acquired 10 files, amended again as per your script, seems to be working now. Any thoughts on the RG-6 loading ? Grenade works for Akhmet but not for Vitek ??
Last edited by RGC21; 17 May, 2014 @ 3:02am
Drakefang 25 May, 2014 @ 3:28pm 
I think there's a bug with grenade launchers that has nothing to do with item description files. Sometimes I end up dragging and dropping from inventory to underbarrel/RG-6.

Hope that helps.
BlueCat 18 Jul, 2014 @ 4:53am 
Thank you!
WillieTheWolf 24 Sep, 2014 @ 6:43pm 
I Just got the game and checked the file. it now says 40 mm (pry.) so...that means it has been fixed already by the devs?
bistrobob 25 Nov, 2014 @ 3:13pm 
Thx Drakefang - its solved problem with grenades reloading, but not with7,62 ammo - when launcher is attached reloading is impossible. Any tips?
nemchenk 29 Jan, 2015 @ 3:35pm 
Drakefang, thanks very much mate! :)
GassyTaco 8 Jan, 2016 @ 8:12pm 
Now i cant reload 7.62 ammo, what gives?
Jrgl 25 Jul, 2017 @ 7:14am 
I've made this change and it still does not work. Notably my config file originally said "40 mm (pry.)" and did not work so I changed that to "40 mm (rus.)" as instructed. Any ideas?
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