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Dark Temptation in 2024
Hey all-

I know this game is dead, but I picked it back up again and am trying to finish the achievements. Dark Temptation is giving me a hell of a time. It seems really strange that 15% of the player base has it, but when you google it, you read about people putting months and hundreds of hours into the game and never getting it.

Does anyone have any tips? I saw a post from a LoG dev that it's "not as random as you think". I've also seen contradictory posts about how much rot you need, day vs night, and such.

It really does seem like while having rot, entering a forest, and it being daytime are all necessary conditions, they are not sufficient. Fingers crossed that someone reads this, can you give me and help?
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From my own experience, you need to enter a forest at day with exactly 4 rot. I have never gotten it with any other rot value. I spent 20+ games attempting to get it with low rot or while corrupted before I stumbled on the suggestion that you need exactly 4, and it only took me 2 games after that to trigger the event. Since then, I have seen it trigger a few times, always at day in a forest with exactly 4 rot. Best of luck to you in your achievement hunting!
The probability of occurrence is very low, about 1%, as far as I remember. But sooner or later you will get it. in a couple of hours or a couple hundred hours, it depends on the mood of the gods of Armello
@gsandrey The problem with the 4 rot theory is that I have 2 screenshots of people getting the encounter, one of someone getting it with 1 rot, and one with 8 rot. Maybe they are on a different version of the game, or maybe they are fabricated, but it seems odd. Also I spent at least one game with 4 rot frantically entering forests and never got it. I will try again...

@ohlokrat why does so much of the player base have it then? And why is it so hard for some people? And why did the dev say "it's not as random as it seems"? See here:
If it doesn't require exactly 4 then, perhaps exactly 4 rot increases the odds? I don't know about other game versions, but I got this event for the first time in March on the current version and a few times since then all with exactly 4. Some suggestions I found include that singleplayer increases the odds as well, all my games that I got the event were singleplayer
@gsandrey you and this guide agree:

So even though I don't think it's a requirement, you may be right that it increases the odds. I'll give it a shot!
So, I did this:

Character: Fang
Amulet: Ruin (not spoil)
Ring: The "no mountain penalty" one

I got to a turn where I had this:

Fight: 7
Health: 2/6
Wits: 4
Spirit: 2

Gold: 3
Magic: 2
Prestige: 5
Rot: 4

King health: 4
King fight: 7
King rot: 5

It was daytime, and I was starting my turn on a forest. There were 2 forests next to me, so I could spend all my AP "stepping into forests", though one would be a repeat of the one I started on.

Using "quit/continue", I repeated this turn 100 times, giving me 3 "enter a forest in the day with 4 rot and low health" per time, for a total of 300 times. The encounter never popped for me.

For the sake of argument I was going to try to finish the game going through other forests on other turns, but the AI attacked the king and ended the game.

I think this pretty soundly disproves the "4 rot" theory though. I don't doubt it increases the chance, but given how consistently @gsandry and @bluka claim to get this, it's pretty clear that it's not the 4 rot, but something else that you guys are doing that is triggering the encounter. Can you share more details on exactly what you are doing? What character are you taking? What jewelry? What methods are you employing to get the rot? What other things are you doing in the game?
Well, I think I may have found your problem. From experimenting with the Stranger random event trigger (the one that appears after you have recruited him), it appears that the events might be tied to a specific tile on each map. My games (I know I got it as Fang with spoil amulet at least once) I didn't try moving back and forth out of a single forest, but rather moving into as many different forests on the map as possible while meeting the conditions (exactly 4 rot, daytime). Also, save/load might not reset the rng for odds in any case (just as it does not reshuffle card decks), so instead of 300 independent tests, you might have been doing the same 3 rolls over and over as you replayed the same turn.
Got it, that's all very good to know! I will try what you're saying. I appreciate you sharing that, because I am sure I am not the only one trying my method to get this achievement!
Well, I got it:

It took 3 games, the second of which was particularly bad RNG wise. I think lifetime there were a few more games than that, but only 3 (call it 2.5) games of actually trying using your method, and it worked!

One of the theories, that you need 0 AP, was wrong. I got it during the day, so we continue confirming that. I was at 5/6 HP, so that refutes the idea that you need 1 or "low" HP, but it supports the theory that you need to not be at full health.

And yep, 4 rot!

Thank you guys!!
Congratulations, I'm glad I could help!
Just to add a data point, got "Whyteshadow" today with 6 rot. I still think you guys are right that 4 increases the chances, but for anyone who reads anywhere that you can't get it with 5 or more:
I've been struggling with this achievement quite a lot, I even got Cry us a River before this one.

Either, I don't understand the requirements, or there's something broken. I play Thane, with anywhere from 2 (spoil amulet) to 4 rot and cycle forests day and night. I've done the same forest, as well as different forests on the map and I'd say so far at 10+ (mostly single player) games, no luck whatsoever. Is there anything I'm obviously missing or is it bad rng?
Are you making sure you have less than full health? One of the event options is to heal yourself, so you have to be missing some. Also, the event only triggers at day. If you are doing these things, then it appears you have gotten unlucky so far. Hopefully your luck improves soon!
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