The Game of Sisyphus

The Game of Sisyphus

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Bigwee125 30 May, 2024 @ 5:44am
A little story
First, Sisyphus and the boulder began at the bottom of the hill.
So Sisyphus pushed the boulder.

Sisyphus dropped the boulder and it immediately rolled all the way back down.

Sisyphus decided to test every button on his controller, jumped a bit, started running and insulted the gods.

Sisyphus then made the discovery that he was in Unity's physics engine, and that although his arms were slow to move the boulder, his jump has infinite force. Sisyphus had never skipped leg day.
Sisyphus leaned against the boulder and jumped. The boulder flew up the hill a lot more compared to meagerly pushing it.

Sisyphus dropkicked the boulder up the first section.

Sisyphus discovered he could get hurt, and the boulder rolled all the way down again.

Sisyphus ditched the boulder for the beachball.

Sisyphus discovered he could scout out a section instead of trying to blindly kick the beachball through.
However, the insulted gods were cruel and cunning, for Sisyphus thought he could sacrifice his body to detonate bombs in advance, or at least end his suffering, but the gods constantly replenished the bombs and had made Sisyphus indestructible.

The beachball rolled all the way down again and Sisyphus decided to stop running. It'll be waiting for him at the bottom.

Sisyphus wondered where the birds that were supposed to be eating his guts were. Perhaps they were awaiting a command from the gods to restart Sisyphus?
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RobDeLaMorte 1 Jun, 2024 @ 11:35am 
...Weren't the birds eating Prometheus? >:x
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