The Game of Sisyphus

The Game of Sisyphus

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I'm not criticizing the game in any way, but this looks infuriating to play. One must be a patient player and enjoy this type of niche game style.

Hats off to whoever enjoys and beats this game. :104: ;)
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The idea is... creative...
Makes me wonder what the real sisyphus would say... (remember; hes still at it!

btw the game is 2.5hrs long.
I figure thats how long it took to make

The price of 2$ (on discount) seems fitting.
The 10$ is only so you can go 80% off and show in sales... shesh**

now thats hell


** I talked to a friend and did some math. Thats 4$ per hour (given the 10$ pricetag).
Helldivers is at 40$ and give you around 100hrs+. That's 40 cent per hour.

Cant argue with math. (but you can argue with manipulative pricing)
Last edited by FizzlePopBerryTwist; 28 Jan @ 2:32pm
Sokurah 30 Jan @ 11:18am 
I just started and i gotta say the concept seems crap. And that comes from someone who did climb getting over it over 100 times.

The problem is, i dont see how you are supposed to get any momentum. It does not seem intended. If you fail, you start from scratch i get it. But you start your 100th run as slow as the first.

I don't see how there is supposed to be a skill development so you get better and better every time you try. That was part of the charm of getting over it.

This seems like a tedious task.

EDIT: yea, it rolled down from the exploding barrels right to the bottom. I don't really see me staring over. It's just not fun. Again, you cant really get faster like in getting over it. I just don't see the charm.

I wanted to find another getting over it game but this and jump king just don't really get me.
Last edited by Sokurah; 30 Jan @ 11:50am

As someone who played through this game, yeah, it's not nearly as good at it could be in concept thanks to a couple inherent flaws with the gameplay and how motivated you'd be to replay it. If you're looking for another game like Getting Over It, might I suggest a few? I'm not sure if you've already heard of them, but these are generally the most acclaimed "Foddian" style games out there right now.

A Difficult Game About Climbing
Bread & Fred
Get to Work

Now I've only played the first game and it's really tough, but I've heard that the other three are also really similar in concept to Getting Over It.
Sokurah 30 Jan @ 10:03pm 
Thx. I might look into them. But i'm afraid no other game will be like getting over it. It was actually really fun when you got used to it.
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