The Game of Sisyphus

The Game of Sisyphus

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qunow886 16 Jun, 2024 @ 4:39am
Three feature requests.
1. In some cultural sphere, the story of Sisyphus isn't that well known to the general public. I have saw some people who finished playing the game yet they failed to grasp the meaning of the dialogue at the end of the game. I think it would be nice if the game at home screen can include some sort of pop up summary of the original story of Sisyphus, so that people won't enter the game without understanding what they are experiencing.

2. There is an idiom in some languages that say, no matter how difficult and bitter one thing is, if done together with friend, it would become enjoyable. Thus, I think it would be a good idea to add multiplayer feature to this game, to see whether this idiom is true. Especially if let say different players and their rocks can collide with each others.

3. For RTA, I think it might be a good idea for the game to record player's position on the mountain during their best performed round before, then optionally show it as a shadow to player in subsequent runs, just like some car racing games.
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Letty the Dragon 1 Aug, 2024 @ 6:01pm 
a time trial ghost would be pretty cool, but imagine saving 4+ hours of location info, might get resource heavy.

but multiplayer would be fun.

i would personally love to see a workshop update, but this game would probably become a "marble run" game, just bigger.
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