Crazy Plant Shop

Crazy Plant Shop

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Ittermat 9 Aug, 2014 @ 11:06am
Expand on this idea!
I like this game...(in fact im playing it as im typing this) But I think it needs some expanding...maybe more plants? more to do? able to possibly expand your store more? I mean I would love to just be able to sit and breed different plants to see what I get...maybe sell some to people...You know? considering we paid for it (this is not a complaint thread though!) I think there should be a few more features to set it apart from the version on the site.

also Free play would be a nice feature XD Like after you beat the game you can just go play and breed plants (or maybe before you beat the game for those of us who are morons?)

But I do enjoy the game! Please keep up the good work! and heres hoping for some kind of expansion! <3
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Showing 1-13 of 13 comments
Vincent 10 Aug, 2014 @ 5:46pm 
I agree and I would like an official word from a Dev on this, if possible.

Because I'm really on the fence about this game.

What's there looks good but it seems too short and no freeplay, etc.

If freeplay is planned then I would definitely pick this game up.
Last edited by Vincent; 10 Aug, 2014 @ 5:46pm
TavCritter 10 Aug, 2014 @ 6:31pm 
I suggested a freeplay/endless mode in another thread and the Devs said they will look into adding it.
Ittermat 11 Aug, 2014 @ 7:14am 
@samson Yea I saw that thread XD I was just adding it in here- since it would be an expanding of the idea...(It was a last minute thing)

@Vincent Its not a bad game really- but it is very short (shorter for me cuz I keep losing.) But I always enjoyed breeding types of I had to buy it...especially on sale... but you can find a free version online... just search google for "Crazy plant shop" you can try it there =3
TavCritter 11 Aug, 2014 @ 7:30am 
I think a "Challenge Mode" would be a cool idea too. Something like where you need to make a plant with certain traits in so many turns.
Sol 11 Aug, 2014 @ 7:58am 
Hey, freeplay is a great idea! We're still collecting feedback and deciding if we might want to push new features in the future.

Regarding the free version, Kid Amaru is correct, you can try the game online for free. However, that is an old demo version of the game, released prior to the new features and content we developed for Steam. So feel free to give it a whirl, but keep in mind the version on Steam has a way better shop experience, more plants, and all that good stuff.

Thanks for the feedback!
Ittermat 11 Aug, 2014 @ 10:28am 
I think you should add more features..not just for me...but because there is a huge lack of good games with this kind of premise... the only other good plant based breeding thing I know of is plant tycoon...but thats not quite as fun (Maybe im missing something and there are other games I've never heard of and if so I'd like to hear about them XD ) And even if its a small demographic- those of us that like these kinds of games and find them hard to find a good one of will be your biggest fans.

But I do appreciate that you actually replied! not many devs do that. good luck with everything!
ElenaRoan 19 Aug, 2014 @ 11:42pm 
I'd love to see an extension of the game also; more plants, more shops, more upgrades. Maybe even the more complicated genetics that aren't quite dominant/recessive pairings.

BTW I think "freeplay" was used in the meaning of a sandbox type area; no requirements just experiment.
Caz 20 Aug, 2014 @ 2:10am 
I agree more content please :)
Vincent 20 Aug, 2014 @ 9:35am 
Originally posted by sarabialanin:
BTW I think "freeplay" was used in the meaning of a sandbox type area; no requirements just experiment.

I, personally, was thinking more in the way of being able to continue past the 13 in-game days available.. to be able to continue upgrading the shop and selling flowers and stuff.
An Endless Mode.

Of course more 'meat' like flowers/upgrades, etc would enrich that experience as well.
ElenaRoan 20 Aug, 2014 @ 11:30pm 
Ah, ok. I was thinking that freeplay and endless were two different things. Just had the impression that there'd been some confusion as there was a couple of places where it was being said there was a free demo available and "freeplay" was the only place I could see that coming from.
Mukkura 28 Oct, 2014 @ 6:21pm 
I would love for there to be a freeplay option or even an endless. I would actually love for anything that would allow me to play this game for longer haha.
Anirac 23 May, 2015 @ 2:19am 
Has this idea been abandoned? Because I'd very much like to continue playing past the 13 days, maybe even be able to decorate the shop a little bit... please consider it :)
Herbstmond 2 Dec, 2019 @ 6:08pm 
It's a beautiful game. I like that kind of games and I hope there will be many more plants and an endless mode in the future, or even creating own plants and traits.
Last edited by Herbstmond; 2 Dec, 2019 @ 6:18pm
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