Crazy Plant Shop

Crazy Plant Shop

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Phoenixc4 24 Oct, 2014 @ 2:34pm
Client Relationship system?
I would love it if this game had a relationship system with clients like you could become friends and learn more about the clients and they could have stories with them as you help them by getting them the plants they need they would become better friends with you and show up more and it would add some replay value since you could explore different stories of your clients.

But I haven't played that far yet so I don't know if this is already part of the game like the part about the stories of the customers.

Also one more idea that probably isn't a good idea is you could develope romances with some of the characters but that is probably not a great idea since this is a education game so that would be weird
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f4hg52r5 24 Oct, 2014 @ 6:10pm 
I'd say it's more like visual novel feature. The game is complex enough, so you just don't have free time for anything else expect plants breeding.

Just finished those tricky "Prodigy" and "Workhorse" achievements... oh my, i though this game is a lot easier.
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