Crazy Plant Shop

Crazy Plant Shop

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Kyrros 18 Nov, 2014 @ 8:59pm
Easter Egg!
Found this while getting the Workhorse achievement.. if you continually reject your customers new ones start coming in. Ones that I didn't see during my first playthrough that are quite amusing.

Anyways, something to look for!

(also feel free to ask me if you need any tips on this game)
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Showing 1-2 of 2 comments
Gorlom[Swe] 25 Dec, 2014 @ 5:52am 
you're talking about the [X]arrys? or something else?
Kyrros 25 Dec, 2014 @ 5:53am 
Yup, so many dialogs to go through. I thought it was a nice touch.
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