Dustland Delivery

Dustland Delivery

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= 14 Aug @ 10:21am
Weather events are tedious
The engine temperature mechanics in general don't make any logical sense, why doesn't the engine temperature go down when you are resting? Snow/dust storms can last for a very long time, days, which is logical but it isn't exactly engaging to just mash the 'sleep' option if you don't want your engine to explode, if you are stuck in the swamp it's even worse as you can't even camp.

At least there should be a 'rest until the weather clears' button.
Last edited by =; 14 Aug @ 10:23am
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Showing 1-15 of 16 comments
frumple 14 Aug @ 11:39am 
It's true.

You can craft truck upgrades that help mitigate high/low temperature but weather can still be tedious at times.

The dust filter is a pretty strong upgrade though. Worth crafting.
Flash 14 Aug @ 12:08pm 
The heavy traupoline is the best utility tool to counteract all weather effects in general.

If you look at the automation setting there is an option to sitout dust storms and Im guessing the game wants you to situout dust storms by camping or resting during that time and cooking etc. activities or get a dedicated dust filter which would still not completely reduce the temperature accrued.

It is the ONLY weather effect that has no good mitigation item to counteract it. Even snowstorms just heat up your engine with waste water and you ok to go. So yea just accept it and sit it out. Dust storms are brutal lol.. (im talking irl XD )

I rest or sleep EVEN if crew is not tired. or share knowledge etc. if there can be gains from it.
Last edited by Flash; 14 Aug @ 12:10pm
uncleed 14 Aug @ 12:19pm 
For me it's a time to cook, craft cores and medkits, stuff that is tedious to create otherwise.

Something something lemons lemonade
Tahnval 14 Aug @ 3:40pm 
As far as I know, the dust filter has no effect on the temperature gain. It doesn't mention anything about that in the description of it and I see no difference to temperature gain in my truck after fitting it. I'm pretty sure it only reduces the HP loss.

I've taken to carrying very large amounts of wastewater during autumn (when the dust storms can last all day). I find a river or wetlands and spend a while there drawing water repeatedly. Preferably in heavy rain, which seems to stack with drawing water from the wetlands/river. Couple of hundred units of wastewater and I can drive through dust storms.
frumple 14 Aug @ 4:51pm 
The dust filter is only useful during a dust storm. It almost completely negates it's effects but is otherwise useless.

I don't remember how much it costs to install it, but some upgrades cost a LOT. And if you carry them with you uninstalled, they weigh a lot.
The Dust filter is a bit of a pita item.
Last edited by frumple; 14 Aug @ 4:51pm
Tahnval 14 Aug @ 5:05pm 
Originally posted by frumple:
The dust filter is only useful during a dust storm. It almost completely negates it's effects but is otherwise useless.

I don't remember how much it costs to install it, but some upgrades cost a LOT. And if you carry them with you uninstalled, they weigh a lot.
The Dust filter is a bit of a pita item.

The dust filter doesn't almost completely negate the effects of a dust storm. I have one fitted. With a dust filter fitted, the rate at which my engine temp increases still jumps from between -1 and +2 (for normal weather) to +20 to +22. That's a very heavy penalty because your engine will overheat very quickly at that rate. You need a lot of water and you need to stop frequently to cool the engine.

What the dust filter does is greatly reduce the HP reduction from a dust storm, from -3 to -0.5 IIRC. It almost completely negates that effect of a dust storm, but only that effect.

Maybe it should almost completely negate both those effects of a dust storm. If it is filtering out the dust (as implied by the effect on HP), then why would the engine temp still be increasing rapidly?

The cost of upgrades starts rising very rapidly after a while because you first have to pay to increase the number of upgrade slots. It'll cost me 6 cores to unlock 1 more upgrade slot and that's before the cost of the upgrade part itself.
ambi 14 Aug @ 7:59pm 
yeh the engine should naturally cool down while you rest.
Flash 15 Aug @ 12:23am 
Originally posted by ambi:
yeh the engine should naturally cool down while you rest.
Btw im doing a new play and my engine cools down when i rest or sleep or cook etc. So I think they silently updated the mechanic. See if it works in a new play for u. Really hate it when devs do silent updates and dont include changelogs. Defeats the purpose of coordinated testing of EA
Last edited by Flash; 15 Aug @ 12:24am
Flash 15 Aug @ 12:29am 
Originally posted by frumple:
The dust filter is only useful during a dust storm. It almost completely negates it's effects but is otherwise useless.

I don't remember how much it costs to install it, but some upgrades cost a LOT. And if you carry them with you uninstalled, they weigh a lot.
The Dust filter is a bit of a pita item.

No its not. The dust filter <Correction> reduces HP impact by -2.5 which is good but u still get temp increase of +20 which would stall your truck. The heavy taurpoline is better option that reduces hp impact for all weather. Either way .. temp increases..

Dust filter not worth the item slot imo. Just sit it out.
Last edited by Flash; 15 Aug @ 1:32am
= 15 Aug @ 2:10am 
Originally posted by uncleed:
For me it's a time to cook, craft cores and medkits, stuff that is tedious to create otherwise.

Something something lemons lemonade

That's what I do, but I usually run out of things to craft long before the storm passes. I'm still quite early in the game so maybe this kind of activity will take up more time later on but, at the moment, it is not a fun mechanic.

After the first time I burned out the engine during a dust storm, I turned on the autostop feature.
Last edited by =; 15 Aug @ 2:11am
Flash 15 Aug @ 4:44am 
Originally posted by =:

That's what I do, but I usually run out of things to craft long before the storm passes. I'm still quite early in the game so maybe this kind of activity will take up more time later on but, at the moment, it is not a fun mechanic.

After the first time I burned out the engine during a dust storm, I turned on the autostop feature.

I have never burned out the engines before O.O ... nice to know what happens.... Now i know what to do when i want to roleplay Ghost rider (truckstyle)
frumple 15 Aug @ 12:24pm 
Originally posted by Tahnval:
The dust filter doesn't almost completely negate the effects of a dust storm. I have one fitted. With a dust filter fitted, the rate at which my engine temp increases still jumps from between -1 and +2 (for normal weather) to +20 to +22. That's a very heavy penalty because your engine will overheat very quickly at that rate. You need a lot of water and you need to stop frequently to cool the engine.

What the dust filter does is greatly reduce the HP reduction from a dust storm, from -3 to -0.5 IIRC. It almost completely negates that effect of a dust storm, but only that effect.
You are correct. It helps with horsepower a lot but not so much the temperature. It even says so on the description. Dust filter reduces the dust storm HP penalty by 2.5.

I mixed it up with the Engine heating vent. That reduces the dust storm temperature increase by 10 degrees. So temp goes up less quickly. It still goes up hella quick just not as much as it would without the heating vent.

The Improved insulator and Insulator can help with freezing temperatures during winter.

As for the cost of unlocking more slots, it's because it gives you serious power. You're able to mitigate weather and terrain effects while adding combat upgrades.
Without slot upgrades, you have to swap upgrades based on need. Some of them have crazy cost. 900 to install back an upgrade i took off to add a tarp? Eh...
Tahnval 15 Aug @ 2:49pm 
Originally posted by frumple:
You are correct. It helps with horsepower a lot but not so much the temperature. It even says so on the description. Dust filter reduces the dust storm HP penalty by 2.5.

I mixed it up with the Engine heating vent. That reduces the dust storm temperature increase by 10 degrees. So temp goes up less quickly. It still goes up hella quick just not as much as it would without the heating vent.

That's what I want for my next truck slot. I'd forgotten what it's called.

The Improved insulator and Insulator can help with freezing temperatures during winter.

Maybe they'll be my choice for the next two slots after the vent. Although that'll cost me at least 12 more cores, so maybe not. I find the freezing temperatures less of a bother than the overheating from the dust storms. Maybe because it's only -10, whereas the dust storm is +20.

As for the cost of unlocking more slots, it's because it gives you serious power. You're able to mitigate weather and terrain effects while adding combat upgrades.

Yeah, I'm OK with the cost for that reason - it adds a lot to the truck. I can cruise around at 61 kph normally and the worst weather only drops that a few kph now. And my truck has more armour and 3 cannons and a machinegun and I forget what else. I have 19 slots and they've all got something in them. Although there is steep diminishing returns because the cost goes up a lot as the number of slots you have increases but the added value of each slot doesn't change - it's one extra part. But I'm OK with that too - it's endgame stuff by that point.

Without slot upgrades, you have to swap upgrades based on need. Some of them have crazy cost. 900 to install back an upgrade i took off to add a tarp? Eh...

Yeah, I noticed that. My first question was "Who am I paying?" Is there a mechanic in a van who comes out to swap the parts? Is there a roadside assistance business? Would it be cheaper if I bought a subscription? :steamhappy:

Actually, I suppose there is a roadside assistance business now. I noticed in patch notes that if you run out of fuel you can now call for assistance to bring you some fuel. So I guess there is a mechanic in a van.
Last edited by Tahnval; 15 Aug @ 2:51pm
Usually you're paying scraps. So I guess some of those scraps are nuts, bolts, screws, ancient zip ties or whatever.
I been wondering that myself. Why doesn't the crew turn off the truck while they sleep or rest? I notice it never decreases while sleeping, even in town.
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