Titan Souls

Titan Souls

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rolling not working
I'm currently unable to roll/run in the game as it doesn't seem to notice my A button being pressed. I can navigate the menu just fine tho, so I know the A button works, just it won't let me roll. I can aim and shoot just fine, and I haven't touched the files in the game folder.
I tried uninstalling and reinstalling but no changes.
I'm on windows 11 and I'm using a Nacon GC 200WL (wireless xbox-type of controller), the controller works perfectly for all other games I tried
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Showing 1-2 of 2 comments
STRΛNGER 12 May, 2023 @ 8:56am 
Maybe you started a run with no-rolling mod (in your save file there are 4 grayed out icons, if bottom right is white that's the cuplrit). I'd say start a new game either way without activating anything if prompted and test there.
Last edited by STRΛNGER; 12 May, 2023 @ 9:01am
lichknights 13 May, 2023 @ 2:06pm 
unfortunately they're all grey, and it seems to be a controller problem, I tried with a wired switch controller and it works just fine in the same save. I guess I'll only play with the wired one but it's a shame
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