Perfect Dark

Perfect Dark

Nicholas 2024년 6월 11일 오전 2시 48분
Will this be as revolutionary as Goldeneye 64?
You know it will be.
Nicholas 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2024년 6월 11일 오전 2시 51분
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17개 댓글 중 1-15개 표시
Captain n00by 2024년 6월 27일 오후 4시 28분 
1997 console FPS that completely changed the way console FPS were like and gave PC gamers a drool vs 2024 generic mish-mash of a FPS that tries to sell on nostalgia but looks far removed from the OG game.

Sure mate...
My question would be: What does revolutionary even mean in a first person shooter today? Can any FPS be as transformative to game design as those games in the 90s - on any platform - were back then? I mean, honestly. What can a AAA FPS do today that we haven't already seen in some form?

I often think this is a big part of some people's distaste for "modern gaming" today. It isn't modern gaming itself that people are really soured on, it's just that we've all already seen it all and designs that were once novel are now overexposed and our brains have already been saturated with those experiences.

Differentiation is very difficult when a possibility space has already been thoroughly explored and every imaginable permutation and genre bending combination of things or novel aesthetic take has been done.

That's not to say there aren't tons of fun games. Or incredibly well made games. Or games that go about doing those things in interesting ways. But revolutionary? Not much can really lay claim to that moniker today in the FPS genre, imo. And it's hard for me to imagine how any game really could.

That's probably also why they were keen on showing some of the CQC and parkour integration stuff in this game's trailer. Differentiation is hard. Much as some may not like those things, things like that plus Perfect Dark's possible room for things like super spy gadgets, and maybe some Deus-Ex-ish non-linearity if we're lucky, are some of the only ways a first person shooter can separate itself from the field today.

And even then, even if everything is implemented phenomenally and it gets amazing reviews... people still might just go, "meh." It's very hard to impress audiences now. Let alone revolutionize anything, especially in this genre.
Ikagura 2024년 6월 28일 오후 2시 05분 
Sadly, in a realistic sense, we'll never see another Half-Life tier revolution in the First Person Shooting genre...

Sorry but this trailer could've been from a video game released in 2015 it wouldn't even surprise me (aside from graphical fidelity of course).

Gaming has become stagnant since 2008-2009 and the bigger innovations we got were 4K / 70+ Hz screens, Raytracing and the evolution of VR (which is an already existing technology).

You can clearly see how much ambitious that N64 game was for its epoch compared to what we're seeing today:

Two years after the groundbreaking Ocarina of Time and 3 after the innovative Goldeneye we would get what is basically the Half-Life of console games (before Halo and CoD would take over the genre on home consoles).

PS: I'd add Metroid Prime as an innovative First Person game for the Gamecube even if it's not a Shooter.
Ikagura 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2024년 6월 28일 오후 2시 08분
Captain n00by 2024년 6월 28일 오후 2시 42분 
Also, PD always had that "cyberpunkish" vibe to it, like a near future dark urban setting, this seems to be completely gone in this upcomming reboot.
Ikagura 2024년 6월 28일 오후 3시 02분 
Captain n00by님이 먼저 게시:
Also, PD always had that "cyberpunkish" vibe to it, like a near future dark urban setting, this seems to be completely gone in this upcomming reboot.
Modern sci-fi lacks the "edge" it used to have...
Ikagura 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2024년 6월 28일 오후 3시 02분
Captain n00by 2024년 6월 28일 오후 3시 52분 
Ikagura님이 먼저 게시:
Captain n00by님이 먼저 게시:
Also, PD always had that "cyberpunkish" vibe to it, like a near future dark urban setting, this seems to be completely gone in this upcomming reboot.
Modern sci-fi lacks the "edge" it used to have...

It's weird because "Cyberpunk" is trendy again, so they could have capitalized on it and it would get them attention and sales.
Ikagura 2024년 6월 29일 오전 7시 07분 
Captain n00by님이 먼저 게시:
Ikagura님이 먼저 게시:
Modern sci-fi lacks the "edge" it used to have...

It's weird because "Cyberpunk" is trendy again, so they could have capitalized on it and it would get them attention and sales.
Maybe simply because the modern Cyberpunk are less creative or daring than the original wave...

I have noticed how many modern series are too "clean" (yes, even post apocalyptic ones like the Fallout series)...

This reboot is just meant for the "modern audience"?
Spatan555 2024년 7월 8일 오전 10시 54분 
Nicholas님이 먼저 게시:
You know it will be.

I think the Perfect Dark reboot is going to be the new Deus Ex. I am giving this a chance.
PERFECT DARKSIM 2024년 7월 11일 오전 7시 44분 
If it's at least as good as Human Rev and Mankind Divided I'll give it a go but still disappointed we won't get Meatsims to kill for dozens of hours at a time.

It would be cool if this came with the 360 Port and PDZ at least. I'll just stick to my emulated cuts of the N64 version (Goldeneye / PD 1964 and the standalone version)
Ikagura 2024년 7월 11일 오전 8시 13분 
It would be cool if this came with the 360 Port and PDZ at least. I'll just stick to my emulated cuts of the N64 version (Goldeneye / PD 1964 and the standalone version).
Same, I have finished the games a lot of times.
Nicholas 2024년 7월 13일 오전 12시 02분 
Spatan555님이 먼저 게시:
Nicholas님이 먼저 게시:
You know it will be.

I think the Perfect Dark reboot is going to be the new Deus Ex. I am giving this a chance.
It's probably gonna be straight 10s in all reviews
Oustcell 2024년 7월 13일 오전 12시 59분 
Well the chin at least is missing anti-aliasing so....
Ikagura 2024년 7월 14일 오전 2시 40분 
I'd say even Alyx isn't as revolutionnary as the original Half-Life.
FafnirChaos 2024년 8월 4일 오후 1시 38분 
Goldeneye made it's own concept, this just looks like concept asset flip from every other game in the last 15-20 years.

It's about as revolutionary as cutting up your bed mattress and coach stitching them together to make a quilt. It's creatively Bankrupt.
Jaunty -99 Resilience 2024년 8월 9일 오후 10시 39분 
Spatan555님이 먼저 게시:
Nicholas님이 먼저 게시:
You know it will be.

I think the Perfect Dark reboot is going to be the new Deus Ex. I am giving this a chance.
100%, oh man I'm tentatively so excited for this.
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17개 댓글 중 1-15개 표시
페이지당 표시 개수: 1530 50

게시된 날짜: 2024년 6월 11일 오전 2시 48분
게시글: 17