Perfect Dark

Perfect Dark

Sorry to say this...
But if they cant even get the protagonist right, even less the story, vibe, gameplay or music.

Like another person said, this is game for no one
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Showing 1-15 of 34 comments
カルナック 17 Jun @ 1:44am 
and still you thought you have to spend your time to visit this games Steam page and whine about it in the forums. Do you do this about any game you dont like, or just the ones were its popular to hate on as rightwingers? seems pretty time ineffective? Normal people just ignore games they arent interested in.

This game is not made for "no one", its made for people who actually bought and played the original 2 and a half Perfect Darks.... like me.
People who also bought both Mirrors Edge games and love the espionage and stealth genre.
Unless there is some huge flaw that is currently unknown. This "Perfect Dark" seems like a day 1 purchase for me.

I waited a long time for a new Perfect Dark. The new trailer was pretty amazing and made me absolutely hyped for the game.

Thats the BIG difference. The self proclaimed "GAMER tm", just whine about games and the looks of characters all day without ever playing those games. While people like me actually buy the games and having a blast playing them.

You guys also piled onto "Prince of Persia: the lost crown" and its main character.
Of course you guys never intended to buy that either.
While the "anti woke" crowd whined for months, we actually got one of the best Prince of Persias ever made.
Same counts for Horizon Zero Dawn, Shadow of the Tomb Raider, Life is Strange, The Last of Us and many more games rightwingers piled onto for being to woke, or the protagonist not being hot enough etc.

Have fun whining in your echo chambers, We will enjoy "Perfect Dark" when its releases,
I hope they take forever to make this game it looks so amazing, they need parkour levels, horror levels with darkness and aliens skulking around in the dark with your flashlight gadget barely illuminating the halls, guns-blazing levels, environment puzzles, vehicle levels with high tech drones, awe-inspiring bosses, just bring it all on!
I am afraid to admit I will buy it anyway.
Zastels 20 Jun @ 5:55am 
This game doesn't look like it is even alpha yet.
KripTed 20 Jun @ 6:46am 
It was made for that small 0.001% group that apparently buys all their games. It's clearly not made for fans of the original, that's for sure.
Last edited by KripTed; 20 Jun @ 6:47am
Well as you guys say, it is very early in development and it seem out of focus. Many things can still be changed until release.
Let's hope they are aware and are still experimenting with the game.
Doesn't matter if they made her character model look better

Still won't be a perfect dark game, only by name
Originally posted by カルナック:
and still you thought you have to spend your time to visit this games Steam page and whine about it in the forums. Do you do this about any game you dont like, or just the ones were its popular to hate on as rightwingers? seems pretty time ineffective? Normal people just ignore games they arent interested in.

This game is not made for "no one", its made for people who actually bought and played the original 2 and a half Perfect Darks.... like me.
People who also bought both Mirrors Edge games and love the espionage and stealth genre.
Unless there is some huge flaw that is currently unknown. This "Perfect Dark" seems like a day 1 purchase for me.

I waited a long time for a new Perfect Dark. The new trailer was pretty amazing and made me absolutely hyped for the game.

Thats the BIG difference. The self proclaimed "GAMER tm", just whine about games and the looks of characters all day without ever playing those games. While people like me actually buy the games and having a blast playing them.

You guys also piled onto "Prince of Persia: the lost crown" and its main character.
Of course you guys never intended to buy that either.
While the "anti woke" crowd whined for months, we actually got one of the best Prince of Persias ever made.
Same counts for Horizon Zero Dawn, Shadow of the Tomb Raider, Life is Strange, The Last of Us and many more games rightwingers piled onto for being to woke, or the protagonist not being hot enough etc.

Have fun whining in your echo chambers, We will enjoy "Perfect Dark" when its releases,
I consider myself pretty anti-woke, but I'm very interested in both The Lost Crown and this game, so I think the furor over them both is pretty embarrassing. Especially over the main character's facial appearance in this game, a first person game. Though I have no interest in many of the games you mentioned in your second to last paragraph.
SalvoTroglo 21 Jun @ 8:45pm 
Originally posted by カルナック:
and still you thought you have to spend your time to visit this games Steam page and whine about it in the forums. Do you do this about any game you dont like, or just the ones were its popular to hate on as rightwingers? seems pretty time ineffective? Normal people just ignore games they arent interested in.

This game is not made for "no one", its made for people who actually bought and played the original 2 and a half Perfect Darks.... like me.
People who also bought both Mirrors Edge games and love the espionage and stealth genre.
Unless there is some huge flaw that is currently unknown. This "Perfect Dark" seems like a day 1 purchase for me.

I waited a long time for a new Perfect Dark. The new trailer was pretty amazing and made me absolutely hyped for the game.

Thats the BIG difference. The self proclaimed "GAMER tm", just whine about games and the looks of characters all day without ever playing those games. While people like me actually buy the games and having a blast playing them.

You guys also piled onto "Prince of Persia: the lost crown" and its main character.
Of course you guys never intended to buy that either.
While the "anti woke" crowd whined for months, we actually got one of the best Prince of Persias ever made.
Same counts for Horizon Zero Dawn, Shadow of the Tomb Raider, Life is Strange, The Last of Us and many more games rightwingers piled onto for being to woke, or the protagonist not being hot enough etc.

Have fun whining in your echo chambers, We will enjoy "Perfect Dark" when its releases,
Men like to play with male character to feel badass. And men like to play with female characters to play as cutegirls. Its not hard to understand, that how it always been.

If the new Johanna looks like man, what's the point in playing as her? The main character design is crucial in a videogame, that's a fact.

Gameplay looks nothing special, we would need to see more. The game needs to be a reaction shooter with tons of action like the original, inmersive sims do not sell, specially if you market it with a female character with a manly face.
The music was the best part, all the X tracks. I can't imagine walking around a bland open world with no exciting music...
Yes they were memorable because they had a melody. Something you remember.
100 percent sure they won't get this right, because it is quite rare these days.
I know far too little about the game to come to any conclusions about it. We've barely seen anything yet. It's wild how narratives emerge fully formed and ready to go based on virtually nothing these days.

My initial impressions are, "Oh wow, Perfect Dark is back? That's cool," "I hope the whole game won't be this bright and that it'll lean more into the original game's darker more quasi-cyberpunk aesthetic a bit," "I hope the emphasis on gadgets and infiltration in the trailer points to them leaning into the secret agent premise and not just token nods to those things but otherwise mostly action," and, "I hope there are bots in multiplayer like the original game, and that multiplayer exists at all for that matter."

Since we know none of that at this point, as per usual I will reserve judgment until I see less edited gameplay, more HUD elements, more systems, how mechanics actually function, and try to determine with my own eyes what the game might actually feel like from moment to moment when actually playing. Since those are the things I actually care about.

I'm glad the IP's not dead, though, and I'm cautiously hopeful.
Last edited by Defective Dopamine Pez Dispenser; 27 Jun @ 4:25pm
Ikagura 28 Jun @ 2:16pm 
Originally posted by Mightylink:
The music was the best part, all the X tracks. I can't imagine walking around a bland open world with no exciting music...
Me neither...
MrQun 28 Jun @ 11:26pm 
This game is made by XBOX which is a solid reason NOT to buy it.
Last edited by MrQun; 28 Jun @ 11:26pm
Ikagura 29 Jun @ 7:20am 
Originally posted by MrQun:
This game is made by XBOX which is a solid reason NOT to buy it.
Microsoft made good games before...
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