 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
CM_Anubis  [developer] 3 Apr, 2024 @ 6:31am
[Trove] Rules & Guidelines
Official gamigo Team members and employees have the final judgment.
If asked to stop, stop.

Rule 1: Naming & Avatar Rules
The general naming rules apply, names can not be:
• Offensive
• Racist
• Right-, Left-wing and/or glorifying violence/terrorist
• Sexist
• Advertising
• It is also forbidden to use names that could make the impression that you are part of the Trove Team or gamigo Team members.

Rule 2: General Behaviour
Be respectful, civil, and welcoming.
Discussions can sometimes get heated, but you are responsible for your own behavior. This includes not targeting individuals or posting personal information without consent.
Needless to say, all discussions are acceptable so long they remain constructive and civilized.

Message in a respectful manner towards each other.
Flaming, harassment and abuse are NOT tolerated and will be removed. This includes messages that are threatening, obscene, defamatory, condescending, libelous, or otherwise racially, religiously, politically, or sexually objectionable.

Rule 3: Spam
Do not spam or flood the chat with constant separate messages of single letters, words, images, or emoticons.

Be mindful of scam links, official gamigo team members will never ask for your credentials and there's no such thing as free Nitro.

The distribution of links is strictly prohibited.

Rule 4: Chat
Please chat in the correct channels!
Messages may be deleted without notice if they are not in the right place/content.
Do not share private messages from customer support, discord, forums, email, etc. in public channels, these messages may also be deleted.

Please keep discussions to English, French and German language only!

Rule 5: Account related Questions and Issues
Please contact our support via Ticket System for account-related questions and issues.
Submit your request here![]

As per usual: Never share your account name or passwords!
Official gamigo Team members or employees will never ask you for your account name or password.

Rule 6: Moderation
Do not act as a "backseat moderator".
Please always reach out to a gamigo Team member or employee should any kind of issue arise that you need to be handled.

Additional Rules:
Please keep in mind that gamigo Team members and employees are human and therefore can’t always answer immediately. The gamigo Team members and employees reserve the rights to remove messages from the chat and to kick/or ban users from Discord if they do not adhere to our Discord rules.

Discussions about sanctions and/or presumption of authority will not be tolerated in either public or private channels.
Last edited by CM_Anubis; 3 Apr, 2024 @ 6:33am