IL-2 Sturmovik: Battle of Stalingrad

IL-2 Sturmovik: Battle of Stalingrad

Career Mode Squadron AI Planes Ordnance Use
Wondering if any more work is being done on how the AI planes in your squadron use their ordnance during a mission. E.g I'm flying IL2s in ground attack roles and the mission i just did - attacking a target rich airfield - 5 of the 8 planes did not drop their bombs and a few did not use all of their rockets either. Despite that there were multiple planes parked and hangar buildings to go for.

I think i remember some patch notes that suggested planes would stay over target for longer but it seems like if i wipe out alot of targets myself that the "mission complete" message pops up and the AI planes dont get a chance to use their ordnance.

What is the trigger for when the "mission compelte" message appears and the planes disengage from the target? Are the AI planes programmed to hit specific targets and if i hit them first does that mean the AI planes do not select alternative targets and therefore do not use their ordnance?

It would be great if this feature could be improved so that AI planes look for alternative targets to use their payloads on and maybe the "mission complete" trigger could be set at a higher threshold or we could have the option to stay over target until all ordnance has been used or until I as the squadron leader decide to disengage. Something to make sure that the AI has as much chance as possible to use their ordnance.
Last edited by DunkzGM; 13 Aug @ 4:52am