Enter the Gungeon

Enter the Gungeon

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Rubel  [developer] 5 Apr, 2019 @ 6:57am
A Farewell to Arms Patch Notes (Patch 2.1.0+)
Patch 2.1.2

New Features
  • New guns, items and synergies
  • Two new playable characters to unlock
  • A new secret floor with unique enemies and a new boss
  • Rainbow mode - A new mode inspired by the community where you start each floor with a rainbow chest, but can only pick up one of the offered guns/items
  • A new Beholster shrine
  • Unlockable alternate art for starting weapons
  • You can pet the dog!

Gameplay Changes/Improvements
  • Increased the boss DPS cap slightly (making it more lenient for players)
  • Boss health bars now fade out when drawn over players
  • The Robot can now use shrines that cost health by spending armor instead
  • The empty bottle now works properly with more items
  • Radial traps will give the player more time to react upon entering the room
  • Critical shots should no longer be blindingly bright
  • Increased the dropped rewards for defeating the Old King
  • Pedestal and wall mimics now drop rewards on death
  • Wall mimics will no longer spawn in boss rooms unless you are particularly cursed
  • Increased the chances of spawning some special rooms
  • Red chests that reward health up items will now also drop one key
  • Optimization pass which should improve performance in scenes with many bullets (particularly bosses like the Gorgun)
  • Many balance changes to guns and items, which should make red chests more consistently good

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an issue which caused more wall mimics to show up on each subsequent run until the game was restarted (woops)
  • Fixed an issue where the speedrun timer counted down during some portions of the loading screen
  • Fixed an issue where duplicate resolutions could show up in the Video options menu
  • Fixed some missing or erroneous strings in several languages
  • Fixed a crash issue caused by the payday drill
  • Fixed an issue where the chest teleporter could sometimes cause chests to never reappear
  • Fixed an issue where co-op players could get stuck in walls during boss intros in boss rush mode or on the secret rat floor
  • Fixed an issue where some companions' bullets were triggering negative modifiers in Challenge Mode (Blobulin Rancher / Unfriendly Fire)
  • Fixed an issue where the dark room effect could persist unintentionally
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Rubel  [developer] 5 Apr, 2019 @ 4:51pm 
Patch 2.1.3

  • Fixed a softlock caused by entering miniboss rooms in certain layouts
  • Fixed an issue with Orbital Bullets which could cause projectiles to behave oddly
  • Fixed frame rate issues caused by some Orbital Bullet synergies
  • Orbital Bullets no longer make Winchester's game super hard
  • Fixed an issue where Paradox couldn't be unlocked as the Pilot
  • Fixed an issue where the [REDACTED]'s starting weapon wasn't spawning correctly
  • Fixed an issue with the Sprun and Blessed runs
  • Fixed an issue where some guns were failing to spawn (e.g. alternate art weapons)
  • Fixed an issue with dog petting (you can no longer start a pet while mid dodgeroll)
  • Fixed an issue with the Third Party Controller and the Displacer Beast interacting poorly
  • Fixed an issue where Advanced DraGun kills weren't counting for the Rainbow run award trophy
  • Flight no longer makes accessing the new secret floor more difficult
  • Baby Good Mimic can no longer become Gatling Gull (... c'mon)
  • Added some new audio for several new guns
  • Fixed an issue where intro text wasn't showing up correctly
  • Fixed a typo in Orbital Bullets
  • Removed some duplicate guns from the Ammonomicon
  • Nitra will now show up correctly in the Ammonomicon
Last edited by Rubel; 5 Apr, 2019 @ 4:51pm
Rubel  [developer] 8 Apr, 2019 @ 11:25am 
Patch 2.1.4
  • Fixed an exception caused by certain mimics in Rainbow Runs (could cause bullets to hang in the air)
  • Fixed an exception caused by dropping the Rat Boots
  • Fixed a possible softlock during boss intros
  • Fixed the hitbox on the alternate art Blasphemy
  • Fixed an issue where players couldn't leave the new secret floor while holding an item that grants flight
  • The new characters can now use the legendary hero shrine for cursed runs
  • Fixed several issues with Duct Tape
  • Fixed some issues with the broken state of the Glass Cannon
  • Fixed an issue with the Bait Launcher's tigers failing to track targets
  • Fixed an issue with the combination of Clone and Super Hot Watch
  • Fixed and issue where the Magazine rack could adjust ammo incorrectly
  • Damage numbers from the Scouter no longer show up on the pause screen
  • Fixed some synergy interactions with the [REDACTED] character
  • Fixed visual depth issues with pushed tables
  • Fixed another duplicate Ammonomicon entry
  • Fixed an issue with minibosses music
Last edited by Rubel; 8 Apr, 2019 @ 11:26am
Rubel  [developer] 8 Apr, 2019 @ 11:25am 
Patch 2.1.5
  • Fixed the Cosmic Horror synergy
  • Fixed an issue where the Evolver would lose its progress after loading a midgame save
  • Added a quick restart option to Boss Rush mode
  • Fixed a crash caused by dropping the Chamber Gun on the new secret floor
  • Fixed a control issue which could cause the first "change gun" input to be lost after changing guns using the slow motion gun select menu
  • The Paradox can no longer start with the Bullet That Can Kill The Past (lol)
  • Fixed an issue where the Sunlight Javelin couldn't be unlocked and gave it an alternate unlock case
  • Bowler will no longer float over destroyed chests
  • Fixed an issue with the Sprun's out-of-ammo trigger
  • Fixed an issue where the Sprun transformation was droppable
  • Fixed an issue with the Hellhole synergy
  • Fixed an issue with the Cloranthy Ring and Ring of Fire Resistance synergy in coop
  • Fixed an issue with combining multiple Lil' Bomber synergies
Rubel  [developer] 9 Apr, 2019 @ 12:05pm 
Patch 2.1.6
  • Added a heart dispenser to the Forge
  • Added an additional unlock condition to the Sunlight Javelin
  • Paradox can now drop starting passives
  • [REDACTED] (character) is no longer sent to the past even without the BTCKTP
  • Fixed an issue where reviving with the Gun Soul would lock the player out of the boss room on the new secret floor
  • Fixed an issue with unlocking the Finished Gun
  • Fixed a possible soft lock while entering the new secret floor
  • Fixed an issue where the Trank Gun wasn't dropping correctly
  • Fixed an issue where Paradox could start with some unintended items (including the Old Crest)
  • Fixed music issues with the Resourceful Rat fight and Gunsling King's room
  • Fixed (hopefully) some weapons leaving behind pink rectangle corpses
  • Fixed some missing Chinese translations
  • Fixed some typos in the Ammonomicon
Rubel  [developer] 16 Apr, 2019 @ 1:55pm 
Patch 2.1.7
  • Killing the new secret boss while flying over a pit
  • Fixed an issue where [REDACTED] couldn’t pet the dog!!
  • Fixed an issue where crash recovery didn’t track the most recent two secret floors correctly
  • Saved turtles from player explosions
  • Fixed an issue where the portable turret could trip players
  • Nerfed Knight’s Gun. It’s still good, just not ridiculous
  • Fixed an issue where the new unlock condition for Sunlight Javelin didn’t work if the player had already unlocked Turtle Problem
  • Fixed an issue where you couldn’t enter the new secret floor with some shop configurations
  • Katana Bullets VFX will now properly despawn and not slow down your game
  • Fixed an issue where some Polish glyphs would not render correctly
  • Fixed a rare issue caused by the Turtle Problem
  • Gave the Beholster shrine purple lanterns
  • The Ticket now works like other active items and cannot refund its own cooldown by default
  • Languages that were missing translated strings for the Sprun and the Table Tech Heat should now have them
  • Fixed a rare softlock caused by two players being dragged to Hell at the same time
  • Fixed an issue causing some synergies that aren’t triggered by the [REDACTED]’s passive item to appear as if they were activated
  • Fixed several issues that could cause the Sprun’s transformed state to persist
  • Fixed an issue where a Glaive synergy combined with the Bumbullets would let you shoot infinite Glaives forever for free
  • Fixed an issue where the third form of the Triple Gun drained ammo too quickly
  • Fixed an issue where Paradox didn’t benefit from starting with the Briefcase of Cash
  • Fixed an issue with Bowler’s text being cut off in Spanish
  • Fixed the custom win pictures for Junkan with the two new secret characters
  • Fixed a typo in Mr. Accretion Jr
  • The Ruby Bracelet (upgraded) will no longer trigger in the Aimless Void
  • Fixed an issue caused by starting Winchester’s game while equipped with the transformed Sprun

Hotfix 1
  • Fixed an issue where the Trank showed up twice in the Ammonomicon
  • Unlocking Number 2 is no longer required to unlock the Finished Gun
  • Charged guns now work for Gatling Gull's intro like other bosses
  • Fixed a number of exceptions, silent errors that can caused undefined behavior
Last edited by Rubel; 19 Apr, 2019 @ 2:13pm
Rubel  [developer] 14 May, 2019 @ 1:44pm 
Patch 2.1.8

Gameplay Changes/Improvements
  • Chain lightning effects no longer damage friendly companions
  • Added better crash recovery for Paradox progress and the Gunslinger’s past
  • The new characters now show up in the breach even if you can’t afford runs with them
  • We now accept mouse clicks for advancing dialogue in boss intros (like other NPC conversations)
  • Added milliseconds to the speedrun timer by default and improved timer performance
  • Removed an invisible collider in the Breach (lol)
  • The Breach now has a visual indication of whether or not the alternate starting guns are active
  • Improved the interaction between beam weaponry and Orbital Bullets (the circle portion no longer collides with walls)
  • Several QoL improvements to Duct Tape, particularly with large clip guns
  • Improved the interaction of the Triple Gun with ammo capacity increases
  • Improved the interaction of the Chamber Gun with ammo capacity increases
  • Improved the interaction of the Bloodbulon with freeze status
  • Reverted the control change to the Bloodied Scarf introduced in FTA (this caused several issues and cursor jumping on mouse controls)
  • The Big Shotgun can now consume the new shotgun kin types
  • Made 360 No Scope synergy more consistent on controller
  • Added a fallback to the Chest Teleporter; if a chest fails to spawn, it will spawn on the next floor

Bug fixes
  • Fixed a softlock caused by shooting Patches and Mendy in coop while one player is interacting with them
  • Fixed an issue which prevented entering the new secret floor if the player teleported away immediately after opening the entrance
  • Being cloned while being on fire will no longer result in the clone being on fire
  • Fixed an issue where some unlocks for the DraGun didn’t trigger on the Advanced DraGun
  • Seven-Leaf Clover now works correctly when loading midgame saves
  • Fixed issues with several starting items in Paradox runs
  • Fixed several issues where the Unfinished Gun would show up even after the Finished Gun was unlocked
  • Fixed an issue where the new secret floor wasn’t always accessible (after loading a midgame save)
  • Fixed an issue which could cause infinite generation screens, particularly in Bullet Hell (hopefully, we couldn’t reproduce this one directly)
  • Fixed an issue which could prevent revives in coop when Paradox started with an item that grants Armor
  • Fixed an issue where some Tubo Mode effects were increased in coop
  • The railgun should no longer appear to have “chunky” aim while using a controller
  • Fixed an issue where Junkan’s projectiles could grow indefinitely with Snowballets
  • The Number 2 item should no longer be occasionally invisible
  • Fixed an issue where Meat Bun’s effect could remain permanently after loading a midgame save
  • Fixed an issue where Paradox could start with double blasphemy
  • Fixed an issue with goop in the Aimless Void
  • Katana Bullets now work with beam weaponry
  • Companions should no longer be worse in Turbo Mode
  • Fixed some text issues with accented characters on the run complete screen
  • Fixed an audio issue with the Payday Drill
  • Fixed an issue where the Ammonomicon could display incorrectly
  • Fixed an issue where players could get stuck in the pet animation if started while dodgerolling
  • Fixed an issue with the Chamber Gun in the fourth secret floor
  • Fixed an issue with the Trigger Twins synergy
  • Fixed an issue where a save button wouldn’t appear on the second floor when loading a midgame save
  • Tweaked volume levels for the new secret boss
  • Fixed a bug caused by the Sprun triggering on level load
  • Fixed some volume issues in coop
  • Fixed an issue where Winchester’s arcade gun could lose ammo unintentionally
  • Fixed a bug where the Gun Soul would sometimes not properly function in coop
  • Fixed an issue which could cause door and pedestal sprites to show glitched textures (hopefully, we couldn’t reproduce this one directly)
  • Fixed some visual issues with Tiny UI in conversations
  • Fixed audio issues with some weapons and synergies (including the Lower Case R and Sprun)
  • Fixed an issue where some synergy auras could become permanent
  • Fixed a typo Chance Bullets' description
  • Fixed an issue where coop players in a Rainbow Run could sometimes pick up two items simultaneously
  • Paradox’s random items should now work correctly with shortcuts
  • Fixed several issues with the mimic gun (including entering a past or finishing this weapon during a Gun Queue challenge room)
  • The Gunsling King will no longer issue gun challenges if you have a locked weapon (e.g. gun mimic)
  • Fixed a bad interaction between cooperative play, resurrection chests, and the Clone item
  • Fixed an issue where enemies could become stuck inside NPCs but not directly shot
  • Fixed an issue where the Antichamber synergy would not function
  • Fixed an issue where the in-game timer would not start on chest interaction in Rainbow Runs
  • Fixed an issue where chest spawning noises were too loud in Rainbow Runs
  • Fixed a display issue where certain boss names would be missing accented characters in certain languages
  • Fixed an issue where transformed guns were not properly maintaining ammo across midgame saves
  • Reward pedestals should not appear on the minimap in Rainbow Runs
  • Fixed an issue where quick restarting with an alternate costume resulted in mismatched hands
  • Fixed an issue where secret rooms could interpenetrate with normal rooms
  • Fixed an issue where the Crown of Guns (and related weapons) could appear over the elevator
  • Fixed auto-aim in the Pilot’s past
  • Handle companion mirror vollies correctly for challenge modifiers
  • Fixed a visual issue caused by teleporting away from a room while sign text is displayed
Rubel  [developer] 16 May, 2019 @ 7:17am 
Patch 2.1.9
  • Fixed (again) an issue which allowed the Unfinished Gun to show up in shops even after the Finished Gun is unlocked
  • Fixed (again) an issue which could cause door and pedestal sprites to show glitched textures (finally reproduced this one and confirmed it's fixed)
  • The 360 No Scope synergy is no longer dependent on framerate, which should make this more reliable (especially on some controllers)
  • Fixed another issue related to infinite dog petting (caused by table flipping)
  • Reverted the change which started the speedrun timer when opening a rainbow chest
  • Fixed the speedrun timer format (now uses a period between seconds and milliseconds instead of a colon)
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