Enter the Gungeon

Enter the Gungeon

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what is coolness...?
could someone explain how the coolness meter works for items like the ballot? is it like the curse mechanic but not.....bad?
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wafflekitty 30 Jan @ 9:37pm 
Originally posted by lotus:
could someone explain how the coolness meter works for items like the ballot? is it like the curse mechanic but not.....bad?
Myno already answered the Coolness question, but just also pointing out that, once you get experienced at the game, Curse isn’t all bad either. Increased chance for mimics means free items, and jammed enemies are guaranteed to drop money if killed without taking damage from them. As long as you stay below 5 Curse (the amount needed to start seeing jammed bosses), it’s basically all upside. And as long as you stay below 10 Curse (which summons the unkillable monster), the downside is still fairly minimal.
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