I want to confirm this information please, can the game be played solo and can someone give me a list of similar or better games?
Thank you
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Showing 1-4 of 4 comments
Sype 26 Jan @ 1:37pm 
yep , game can be played solo but you can have more fun with multiplayer.
Originally posted by Sype:
yep , game can be played solo but you can have more fun with multiplayer.
To add to OP question, can we play solo with no internet, save games stores on local PC?
Your statement about 'more fun' solo vs multiplayer is subjective.
Originally posted by Sype:
yep , game can be played solo but you can have more fun with multiplayer.

Thank you, I appreciate that option. But, I prefer solo and I hope there is enough comment :-)
QuickClaw  [developer] 27 Jan @ 2:43am 
Originally posted by Grat Dalton:
Originally posted by Sype:
yep , game can be played solo but you can have more fun with multiplayer.
To add to OP question, can we play solo with no internet, save games stores on local PC?
Your statement about 'more fun' solo vs multiplayer is subjective.
Game save is already stored on local computer. And if you want to play offline, you can host the game from the right side of the menu after clicking Host Game. That will not use steam servers.
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