The Flame in the Flood

The Flame in the Flood

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Are lyrics in songs rare?
I tend to play endless most of the time. And I very rarely hear lyrics in all of the songs. They are all so good, Chuck Ragan really did an amazing job writing the soundtrack. And I want to enjoy it to the fullest, but most of the time, only instrumental version plays. Does anyone else have the same issue?
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Зазвичай не звертав на це увагу, але десь 50/50 пісні були з голосом Чака та просто інструментальна версія. Тим паче що музичний супровід, як я помітив, залежав від ситуації у грі. У будь-якому випадку Вам ніхто не заважає придбати саундтрек до гри та насолоджуватись цим шедевром )
п.с. Рекомендую послухаиі й інші пісні Чака, там теж є хороші треки )
Originally posted by TarasRex:
I tend to play endless most of the time. And I very rarely hear lyrics in all of the songs. They are all so good, Chuck Ragan really did an amazing job writing the soundtrack. And I want to enjoy it to the fullest, but most of the time, only instrumental version plays. Does anyone else have the same issue?

If you're just after the songs themselves, the soundtrack is available on YouTube and Spotify.
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