Life is Strange™

Life is Strange™

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AshHinton 11 Sep, 2016 @ 1:32pm
Life Is Strange community help & links
(Edited 30th September 2021: true colours, wavelengths, remastered & news about the long-thought dead tv series)
note: if anyone knows why the links to the other LiS games in the Steam store are not displaying it would be much appreciated. I also appreciate this faq-of-sorts is getting a bit long now so feel free to suggest edits.

Hey All

A massive thank you to Inexorabilis for making this a sticky thread.

So the idea is we have a place where we can add links useful to anyone who has played the absolutely amazing Life Is Strange (aka LiS)

Feel free to add anything to the comments thread, and I will try to remember to add them to this list.

Completing the games can be an emotional journey, but luckily Life is Strange has an amazing, understanding, and friendly community of people surrounding it. Don't be afraid to say hi!

You are never alone
Life is Strange games can deal with many different issues. If you are in crisis this link has info on where you can get help - please remember you are never, ever, alone:

Tech support
Technical Support for the Steam version of Life is Strange:

Official game website:

Helping to avoid spoilers
Please try to use use spoiler warnings and tags as a courtesy to those who might not have completed these amazing games. Begin the subject with the word "spoiler" and make the subject vague enough not to give anything away - even if mentioning a different life is strange game to the forum you're posting to.

Within your posts you can also use spoiler tags, they are very easy to use, like this:

[spoiler] Max & Chloe [/spoiler] becomes Max and Chloe - hover over the black box to reveal the text.

Thanks :steamhappy:

Community Links
Life is Strange Fans is a hella awesome fan community, and they have a very active & friendly Discord channel too:

Life is Strange subreddit is definitely also worth checking out:

A fantastic guide to the music in Life is Strange by steam user Bosterm:

Reddit user Templarkommando has written an amazingly detailed timeline of the Life is Strange universe: - Generally Amazing People - while not directly related to Life is Strange this Steam group is amazing. I found it because of playing LiS and the group is all about being positive and spreading positivity - something I personally took away from playing LiS & the awesome community surrounding this game. - PLISD - Post Life is Strange Disorder - you know the feeling. The game is over, you want... need... more. PLISD is dedicated to those feels. - Hella Fun - submit to the hellas!

Fan Fiction links
** Because of spoilers we recommended you complete the game first.**
There is lots of fan fiction out there, some of the stuff I've read is superb but keep in mind everything and anything can be written: use your own discretion.

Reccomended Fan Fiction (all contain massive spoilers for the game)
*** SPOILERS ***
These present Max & Chloe in a romantic relationship, and most will assume one of the possible game endings (one of my personal favourites!) - Better Then

A compendium of fan fiction on Reddit (a little old, but a search there for fan fiction will reveal plenty of recommendations):

Other projects and fan related stuff - A free, unofficial, visual novel choice-based game featuring the characters from LiS, read the About and FAQ sections of their site if you want to know more.

About that word - Hella
We know it's Chloe's favourite word. But exactly how many times do Chloe & Max use it?

And the origins and usage of Hella (in the United States):

More Life is Strange games & other projects
Since the original Life is Strange we've been hella lucky - no less than five brand new games, a comic book series, plenty of fan fiction, art, cosplays, and of course that supposed tv series which seems to never quite die much like when Chloe plays on the train tracks

Life is Strange: Before the Storm (aka BtS)
This game takes place three years before the events in Life is Strange, it focuses on the relationship between Chloe and Rachel. The game is developed by Deck Nine, and its an absolutely superb prequel to Life is Strange.

Farewell lets us play as Max one more time, you are young Max just before she leaves Arcadia Bay for Seattle. The episode is set five years before the events of the first Life is Strange game and two years before the events in Before the Storm. The Farewell episode is available as part of the deluxe edition of Before the Storm or as separate DLC.

Before the Storm Steam store page is here:

I've linked to the deluxe edition as I really think Farewell is essential playing if you played the first Life is Strange game.

Before the Storm discussion on Steam:

Steam user Redberg maintains an unofficial FAQ for all things Before the Storm:

Play order
I've seen various opinions about this. Do you play in release order (Life is Strange, Life is Strange: Before the Storm, Farewell) or story timeline chronological order (Farewell, Life is Strange: Before the Storm, Life is Strange) or something completely different?

I personally recommend playing:
1) Life is Strange
2) Life is Strange: Before the Storm
3) Farewell

I think that order ties in nicely, especially regarding Chloe. But of course it's just my take on things :-)

The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit
Captain Spirit is a Life is Strange game available to download & play for free. Made by Dontnod and connecting into LiS2 I recommend playing this game before playing Life is Strange 2, as the end scene ties in nicely to one of the LiS2 episodes. It’s also a nice introduction to the look & feel of LiS2.

Steam user Bluejay has a really useful post here: with info, links to trailers, interviews etc. Definitely worth checking out.

Life is Strange 2 (aka LiS2)
The first episode of Dontnod's Life is Strange 2 released on the 27th of September 2018. It features new main characters, brothers Sean & Daniel, and of course the protagonist from Captain Spirit returns during the brothers’ journey.

This game is the usual Life is Strange episodic format of 5 episodes. You can pre-purchase the entire season and download each episode as it's released. The steam store page is here:

The reveal trailer which had us all wondering what’s going on!

Life is Strange: True Colors
A brand new Life is Strange game from Deck Nine (Before the Storm, Farewell) released in September 2021. It follows new protagonist Alex Chen who can see, feel, experience and manipulate other people's emotions. It also features the return of Steph Gingrich (before the storm) who appears to have settled in the very same town that Alex arrives in to reunite with her brother, Gabe. Not to spoil anything but the trailer gives away that something happens and Alex sets about to investigate and get to the truth of a certain event.

Reveal trailer:
Welcome to Haven Springs:
Steam store page:

I've linked to the Ultimate Edition.. because..

Life is Strange: Wavelengths
Wavelengths is a Steph-centric game, available as an in-game purchase or as part of the deluxe edition of True Colors. Due to release end of September 2021 it features our much-loved and officially awesome DM (Dungeon Master) Steph Gingrich and is a prequel of what Steph gets up to before Alex arrives in Haven Springs. Anyone who loved Steph in before the storm will be jumping with joy over Wavelengths (and that she appears in True Colors)

Reveal trailer:
Steam store page:

Life is Strange: Remastered
As if we couldn't be excited enough about True Colors and Wavelengths, Deck Nine have gone one extra: A remastered edition of Life is Strange & Life is Strange Before the Storm (including Farewell) due in early 2022. Remastered visuals, game engine upgrades, and the promise of vastly improved character animation in the first Life is Strange game.
Available separately in the steam store or as part of the True Colors Ultimate Edition.

Reveal trailer:
Steam store page:

Life is Strange comic
There is a (ongoing, as of September 2021) comic book series published by Titan Comics. Having read every issue so far since the first was published towards the end of 2018 I can absolutely recommend them. Emma Vieceli’s writing & Claudia Leonardi’s illustrations capture Max, Chloe & Rachel perfectly while introducing new characters as well. Definitely recommend reading if you’re a fan of LiS1 & BtS era characters.

It’s available both in traditional format and digitally.

Life is Strange tv show
This has been in the background for a while: in 2016 it was announced Legendary Studios picked up the adaption rights from Square Enix for a Life is Strange tv show. Despite hearing nothing for a while there was recent (September 2021) news that Grammy-nominated singer Shawn Mendes has been enlisted to oversee the music and that production company Anonymous Content (13 Reasons Why) has also been brought onboard. The tv show may not be dead yet! Source:

Developer and Publisher websites - Linux and Mac versions.

Social Media
Official Life is Strange social media pages:

Twitter: (@lifeisstrange) (hashtag #LifeIsStrange)

LiS has a very active community on social media, you're never far from people who love these games or from the amazing & extremely talented people who make them happen.

LiS, BtS, CS, LiS1, LiS2, LiS3, LiS:TC, Ship - what are you all talking about?
You'll see abbreviations like this quite a lot in discussions and social media, so here is a quick rundown (in game release order)

LiS / LiS1 - Life is Strange, the first season (Dontnod)
BtS - Before the Storm, prequel to the first season of Life is Strange (Deck Nine)
CS - The awesome adventures of Captain Spirit (Dontnod)
LiS2 - Life is Strange 2, the second season (Dontnod)
LiS3 or LiS:TC - Life is Strange True Colors (Deck Nine)

Ship - Short for relationShip. Sometimes you'll come across this term, also known as shipping, where someone has a feeling that two or more characters would be - or should be - in a romantic relationship. I'm pretty certain the term existed well before Life is Strange. Personally I'm a Pricefield shipper which means I consider Max Caulfield & Chloe Price to be in a relationship some shipping discussions can get a bit heated for what are fictional characters - probably because they're real in our hearts :-)

Life is Strange is an amazing & beautiful achievement in storytelling. We all know the amazing characters will be in our hearts forever.

I want to say a huge thanks to DontNod, Deck Nine & Square Enix for bringing us these amazing Life is Strange games and to this awesome fan community: thank you all so much for everything and for continuing the journey. Also special thanks to Feral for the Linux & Mac versions - if it wasn't for the Linux version I might not have come across the games I love so much.
Last edited by AshHinton; 30 Sep, 2021 @ 5:38am
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Showing 1-15 of 94 comments
Capybara 11 Sep, 2016 @ 1:38pm 
Wow this is amazing idea :). I don't have much new links to share at the moment, but I'll add these two FF links that imo everyone who finished the journey should read and that wanna get more feels <3... There are many other amazing ones too as you said. .
AshHinton 11 Sep, 2016 @ 1:53pm 
Absolutely agree with those two!
Last edited by AshHinton; 11 Sep, 2016 @ 2:05pm
bryrk 11 Sep, 2016 @ 2:02pm 
A great idea :D if I find anything I'll be sure to comment it :)
Seems poitnless
Mousey 11 Sep, 2016 @ 3:15pm 
Thats a great idea! Anything I would contrubuted has all ready been added though. Awesome.
bryrk 12 Sep, 2016 @ 12:08am 
Originally posted by tiberiansun371alexw:
Seems poitnless
So does your attempt at spelling. I, for one, am definitely going to be using this, and I know it will benefit a lot of others too.
AshHinton 12 Sep, 2016 @ 6:20am 
Thanks for the support all :steamhappy: so I'm guessing an admin needs to decide if something can become sticky? I'll see what I can find out. Either way this thread is now hella available so feel free to add anything.
SE Toby  [developer] 14 Sep, 2016 @ 2:17am 
Great idea :) Stickied!
tharris966 26 Sep, 2016 @ 7:29am 
What you are telling people wanting to play this game is you are about to become a hostage and suffer.
Last edited by tharris966; 26 Sep, 2016 @ 7:30am
bryrk 26 Sep, 2016 @ 7:46am 
Aww I just realised you put my group on there :D thank you ^-^
AshHinton 26 Sep, 2016 @ 12:50pm 
You are very welcome :D we must all submit to the hellas!
Last edited by AshHinton; 27 Sep, 2016 @ 1:06am
Thanks for the links, particularly to the FF stories, they were amazing reads! Wouldn't have found them without this!

Link to a list of popular/well written FF stories, maybe it could get edited into the main topic section?
AshHinton 4 Oct, 2016 @ 2:59pm 
Originally posted by Bender Rodriguez:

Link to a list of popular/well written FF stories, maybe it could get edited into the main topic section?

Sounds like a good idea, done :steamhappy:
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Showing 1-15 of 94 comments
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