Life is Strange™

Life is Strange™

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Max gets away with her behaviour because she's a woman
If Max was a man that was a socially akward "loner" doing crazy stuff, they'd eventually be kicked out of the school, severely bullied, and/or even criminally charged. Max not only has many friends, but even the popular students tolerate her, and she has a boyfriend; sure, she does get bullied and ostracized, although it's very mild. I'm not blaming Square Enix or the developers for this, since that's actually how it happens irl where women in the West since the mid 20th century live life on easy mode.

Anyone who accuses me of false claims will be blocked and reported, as what happened recently when a troll de-railed my thread and got their post removed by Steam Support for violating community guidelines.
Last edited by DirectX_12_D3D_12_1; 14 Jan @ 3:36pm
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Showing 1-15 of 15 comments
rmsgrey 14 Jan @ 7:23pm 
You mean worse would happen to her than being kidnapped, drugged, and nearly murdered?
Originally posted by rmsgrey:
You mean worse would happen to her than being kidnapped, drugged, and nearly murdered?
uh...why are you spoiling the game for me
rmsgrey 14 Jan @ 7:53pm 
Originally posted by EverythingIsHaram:
Originally posted by rmsgrey:
You mean worse would happen to her than being kidnapped, drugged, and nearly murdered?
uh...why are you spoiling the game for me
Am I spoiling the game for you?
Originally posted by rmsgrey:
Originally posted by EverythingIsHaram:
uh...why are you spoiling the game for me
Am I spoiling the game for you?
yes because i never knew that's what would happen to her; i only finished Episode 1

i made it further into Episode 2 and i got some SMS threats from what I believe are Nathan and his dad as warnings to not mess with them. let's be honest here, if it was Warren that was the one who snitched, he'd probably suffer the consequences immediately rather than just some warnings.

and yes, i'm perfectly aware that Nathan can do what he does because he's part of the donor family, so you can't claim he's an exception as Victoria is also of higher status as she too also gets away with certain behaviour. however when it comes down to everyone else without said privileges, the female characters tend to get away with more; for example, Warren gets his ass whooped instantly, while Nathan is hesitant to hurt Chloe and Max despite being pissed, until they further provoke him.

i'm also aware of the security guard, but as it's revealed by Chloe, he's still trying to relive his army days, so he's suspicious of everyone.
Last edited by DirectX_12_D3D_12_1; 14 Jan @ 8:43pm
coco 15 Jan @ 6:24am 
Originally posted by rmsgrey:
Originally posted by EverythingIsHaram:
uh...why are you spoiling the game for me
Am I spoiling the game for you?

LMAOOO smooth brain didn't finish the game before going onto his projecting rent, maybe he'll see the irony of his comments when he finishes it :steamhappy:
rmsgrey 15 Jan @ 6:41am 
Perhaps you've made it far enough to figure out roughly what's in Kate Marsh's viral video? If a boy were caught on video doing those things, he wouldn't get bullied because of it.
Originally posted by rmsgrey:
Perhaps you've made it far enough to figure out roughly what's in Kate Marsh's viral video? If a boy were caught on video doing those things, he wouldn't get bullied because of it.
Yeah I have made it that far, and although you're right generally, for her case she's bullied more due to her religious background ; a guy would obviously be praised by his peers but if he also had the same upbringing as her, he'd also be in deep trouble with his family.
Originally posted by luciesblades:
trolling content
Uh oh another troll that got reported and blocked
Cat 25 Jan @ 12:32am 
Max had it worse because she's a girl. Men get away with things easier. It's harder being a girl and some men don't seem to realize.
Originally posted by Cat:
Max had it worse because she's a girl. Men get away with things easier. It's harder being a girl and some men don't seem to realize.
Well I've beaten the whole game, so at this point, I don't mind if people spoil anything.

The only men who get away with things easier in the game are Nathan Prescott and Mark Jefferson, but only because the former is a trust fund baby and the latter is a semi-retired celebrity. You can see how Victoria Chase, another trust fund baby, also has privileges that most other Blackwell students don't have. Hell, she never even got called to the office and reprimanded for sharing that viral video of Kate, when by all rights she should.

Even at the party in the swimming pool, when Max gets into the VIP section, everyone there doesn't treat her badly except for Victoria. If anything, they actually treat her quite well despite her not even being allowed to be there. One of the jocks even admit he has a crush on Max, which let's be honest here would never happen if it was swapped. No way someone like Victoria or Dana ever have feelings for Daniel or Warren lmao. Yes I know that Brooke or whoever that drone chick is decided to go out on a date with Daniel, but that seemed more like a friendship than romance.

The prinicipal (forgot his name already) and David Mansen may have authority and some status at the school, but former is beholden to the Prescotts for funding while nobody likes David anyways. The fact that Kate Marsh was even able to go to the roof made David look bad and got reprimanded for it, especially since he's the head of security and a military veteran.

Now sure, you might argue why is Chloe expelled from Blackwell for her behaviour, but somehow Nathan isn't? That's because she had to keep on doing stupid ♥♥♥♥ repeatedly and to a high severity, and even then in her record, the principal clearly states how she has potential, and she was given many chances yet she refused to cooperate. Nathan on the other hand...well, we all know why he got away with it lol. The principal even suggested Nathan be placed under intensive psychiatric care, and even had a list of his misconduct, something absent for Chloe.

I also find it weird how Chloe is even allowed to be on campus property, considering she is expelled, which usually also means they're not permitted to trespass. Although maybe I'll give you a point if you wanna claim that her stepdad, David Mansen, lets her have some leverage over Blackwell or something. After all, when both Max and Chloe break into the swimming pool at night and the cops find out they did it, the worst that happens to them is a harsh warning.
Last edited by DirectX_12_D3D_12_1; 25 Jan @ 7:43am
You arent wrong.
Originally posted by 11hunter22:
You arent wrong.
lol a lot of people here got triggered and started hurling misandryist insults to me
Originally posted by 500GB_2.5"_SATA_SSD_600MBPS:
Originally posted by 11hunter22:
You arent wrong.
lol a lot of people here got triggered and started hurling misandryist insults to me

I see that. It is still a good story though - and a brief escape from reality.
susurro 2 Mar @ 3:42am 
a beautiful woman**
Originally posted by susurro:
a beautiful woman**
Eh she doesn't look that hot aside from the box art; I'd give her a 6/10 at most
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