Robin's Island Adventure

Robin's Island Adventure

Dear Devs - A Couple Things
"The player finds himself on a desert island, where he meets the natives, carves a home, builds a ship and ultimately sails back home."

The above store page description gives away the whole story for this Monkey Island-ish deal. Probably could be better worded to leave the (potential) buyer/player wondering what will happen.

Is it Robin's Adventure on Robine's Land (yes, Ronbine with the 'e'; from your screenshot pic)?? Weird.

Also, is it normal to dump like four games that you produced (Shaman Game Studio) on Steam all at once? It just comes off (to me) looking like shovel-ware. You don't really see that with other producers much. I mean why not space them out? Do people really buy the first three new releases in a row? Wouldn't there be a better chance to snag people if you spaced it out? They all really look like they came from the same developer (which is what made me check).

Just curious. Good luck.
Last edited by Ryan Dorkoski; 17 Sep, 2014 @ 8:59am
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sp3lfanaaT 7 Sep, 2018 @ 7:05am 
usually they release one at a time even at Bigfishgames dot com.
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Date Posted: 17 Sep, 2014 @ 8:53am
Posts: 1