STAR WARS™ Starfighter™

STAR WARS™ Starfighter™

Disabling Camera Shaking (tutorial)
At long last, I've found a way to permanently disable all camera shaking in the game. This might work on the PlayStation 2 version as well, but I know for sure it works on PC. Here's how to do it.

1. Navigate to the game's root folder, this folder should contain "Europa.exe".

2. Look for a file called "AutoExec.con" and open it with Notepad++.

3. Once you have this file open, you should see a line of text that says "Setup our standard controllers" Beneath this is a block of text, each line starting with "CreateGOB".

4. Delete the following lines:

- "CreateGOB CShakeCtrl, _Shake"

- "CreateGOB CShakeCtrl, _Shake2"

- "_Shake2.SetPlayerNum 2"

Make sure there's no gaps where those lines used to be.

5. Save your changes.

That's it! All camera shaking will now be disabled. I've been doing trial-and-error with these files for a long time, I can't believe I finally found this.

If you don't feel like editing the game files, here's a copy of the file that I modified. Just replace your AutoExec.con with this one:

Update: Although unrelated to this game, I've confirmed that this change does disable the camera shaking on the PlayStation 2 version of Star Wars Jedi Starfighter. The first game, on the other hand, refuses to boot if anything is modified.
Last edited by SlyCooperReloadCoded; 21 Sep, 2019 @ 1:12pm
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Showing 1-3 of 3 comments
Dark Strider 28 Oct, 2019 @ 1:26pm 
You are a damn saint! I kind of miss the damage indication, but then I remember that one AAT shot would cause your screen to have a CAT 9 earthquake and the game spawns those things like ants. Thank you very much.
I was thinking that I would have to modify a DLL file somewhere, but I don't know programming. This was all trial and error.

If you're curious, this same fix does work on the PS2 and Xbox versions of Star Wars Jedi Starfighter and the Xbox version of Star Wars Starfighter, but the PS2 version seems to intentionally crash if even one byte is changed.
Update: It also works on the PS2 version. I finally got it to boot with the change. Seems it's platform-independent.
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