Monkey Island 2: Special Edition

Monkey Island 2: Special Edition

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MagoNero 25 Mar, 2016 @ 12:06pm
What about language?
I'm facing the same problem I encountered while playing the first Monkey Island game: changing the language.
In the first game I accidentally chose at the beginning the italian version, which didn't allow me to switch to the classic mode, therefore I had to manually change the settings into the game's folder.
I like switching between the new and the classic version, but Monkey Island 2 is already in italian: this means I can use ONLY the new graphics and I can't find a way to set it to english!
Did anyone face the same problem?
Thanks in advance
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bliss 25 Mar, 2016 @ 2:54pm 
You can set language for MI2 through your Steam library: Right click the game -> Properties -> Language tab.

However, past posts indicate that only English is available for Classic mode.
MagoNero 25 Mar, 2016 @ 3:40pm 
Yeah, that's exactly why I wanted to change it.
I noticed only later that I was able to switch it to English like you said, actually I just changed the client language before reinstalling the game and it worked in this way, too.
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