Shape of Dreams: Prologue

Shape of Dreams: Prologue

ORC 24 Jan @ 11:31pm
I suggest that the overall game feedback needs adjustment.
The ground attacks are too frequent. Constantly dodging them doesn’t make the game fun for me. I don’t feel a sense of achievement when I successfully dodge a ground attack. Before I even have a chance to fully build my skill set, I’ve already died, repeatedly, and these deaths don’t give me any points to improve my power. The early part of the game feels really boring. There are too few talent points given, and the ways to obtain them are too limited. After playing for 3 hours, I found it uninteresting.

I believe the fun in this type of game should come from being able to爽快ly kill enemies with skills and having the freedom to approach each playthrough with different ideas for building your skill set. Instead, it's filled with the tedious task of dodging ground attacks, and the skill progression is too slow.
Last edited by ORC; 24 Jan @ 11:34pm
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Showing 1-7 of 7 comments
IonDrako 25 Jan @ 12:35am 
While I agree the grind for the starshards to upgrade the trees is tedious especially with the majority coming from daily missions the only ground aoes I can think of that are constant and annoying are only found in zones invaded by hunters and while I do think they aren't fun as a mechanic you can also just not go into hunter zones and never see them.

By the 3rd act which is probably the only other big source of aoes with the mobs that make slow zones and beam at you or the ones that swoop in and explode by that point you should have a build setup and running that can deal with most of that pretty easily without it being drawn out. Planning paths through the acts to hit the most spots without hitting hunter zones helps a lot in actually setting up your character, would also recommend focusing on either a specific gimmick or skill as that shows the best results imo.

Will say the act 2 and 3 bosses are a bit brutal with aoes though especially with how fast they come out and how hyper limited movement speed and dash amounts are for each character and hope that gets some change.

That said, for the most part you can breeze through normal enemies with multiple different skill approaches in the game focusing on your build ideas. Tree advancement is pretty slow though, wont argue there.
Last edited by IonDrako; 25 Jan @ 12:37am
Vacenti 25 Jan @ 3:35am 
Yea honestly, if you aren't mist or have the dodge upgrade. You HAVE to have at least 1 mobility/dodge skill otherwise act 2-3 bosses are just going to end your run 9/10 times. Honestly was annoying i was bombarded with floor AoE's and i only had 2 dodges until i always started taking a dodge skill.
ORC 25 Jan @ 5:18am 
Originally posted by Vacenti:
Yea honestly, if you aren't mist or have the dodge upgrade. You HAVE to have at least 1 mobility/dodge skill otherwise act 2-3 bosses are just going to end your run 9/10 times. Honestly was annoying i was bombarded with floor AoE's and i only had 2 dodges until i always started taking a dodge skill.
Exactly, the fun and interesting gameplay in this type of game shouldn't revolve around dodging floor AoEs. What's more, as you mentioned, I’m forced to keep at least one dodge skill, which, for this type of game, sounds a bit ridiculous.
ORC 25 Jan @ 5:26am 
Originally posted by IonDrako:
While I agree the grind for the starshards to upgrade the trees is tedious especially with the majority coming from daily missions the only ground aoes I can think of that are constant and annoying are only found in zones invaded by hunters and while I do think they aren't fun as a mechanic you can also just not go into hunter zones and never see them.

By the 3rd act which is probably the only other big source of aoes with the mobs that make slow zones and beam at you or the ones that swoop in and explode by that point you should have a build setup and running that can deal with most of that pretty easily without it being drawn out. Planning paths through the acts to hit the most spots without hitting hunter zones helps a lot in actually setting up your character, would also recommend focusing on either a specific gimmick or skill as that shows the best results imo.

Will say the act 2 and 3 bosses are a bit brutal with aoes though especially with how fast they come out and how hyper limited movement speed and dash amounts are for each character and hope that gets some change.

That said, for the most part you can breeze through normal enemies with multiple different skill approaches in the game focusing on your build ideas. Tree advancement is pretty slow though, wont argue there.
I don't have the patience to keep experiencing the game. After playing for three hours, I still didn’t feel any more interested in it. Instead, I was just constantly dodging floor AoEs and dying repeatedly. Although I tried different possible approaches, whether it was picking more dodge skills or trying to shorten skill cooldowns, I still didn’t find any enjoyable skill combinations or a better sense of impact. In the end, I died to the floor AoEs, not the monster’s attack patterns or the deaths caused by inappropriate skill setups. If you’ve played other games of this type, you’ll understand exactly what I mean.
IonDrako 25 Jan @ 2:59pm 
Originally posted by Anteater:
I don't have the patience to keep experiencing the game. After playing for three hours, I still didn’t feel any more interested in it. Instead, I was just constantly dodging floor AoEs and dying repeatedly. Although I tried different possible approaches, whether it was picking more dodge skills or trying to shorten skill cooldowns, I still didn’t find any enjoyable skill combinations or a better sense of impact. In the end, I died to the floor AoEs, not the monster’s attack patterns or the deaths caused by inappropriate skill setups. If you’ve played other games of this type, you’ll understand exactly what I mean.
If you are saying you didn't die to monster attacks then I can only assume it was the hunter aoes, the ones you get when going into orange or red zones on the map when traversing. You are actively supposed to avoid those zones which the game gives multiple indicators to do so.

I've also had multiple skills and combos be fun, got through the loop on my first run and all so that must be a differing opinion.

The only other reply here was specifically talking about act 2 and 3 boss aoe attacks which I did agree on those bosses having too much aoe spam with too little movement options.
Yesterday i did my best tank build with vesper, after 80min i got one shotted by the third boss with 5k health and 30k+ shield. I really dont know if going tank in this game worth it. I wanted some clarification from devs about the essence of protetion, how it works in higher levels. The tooltip tell us that 100 armor reduce incoming damage by 50%, how about 200 armor or more?
Lizard Smoothie  [developer] 28 Jan @ 7:46am 
Originally posted by ELX-Sevazinho☄:
The tooltip tell us that 100 armor reduce incoming damage by 50%, how about 200 armor or more?

Hi, the armor follows the same calculations LoL uses. 200 armor will give you 66% damage reduction, 300 giving you 75% and so on.
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