Shape of Dreams: Prologue

Shape of Dreams: Prologue

View Upgrade Stats from ReCollection
A suggestion that comes from the likes of Risk of Rain 2, being able to see how the memories change and upgrade at each level. This would mean being able to view what their stats were at, say, '++'.

This particular suggestion came from Starfall *apparently* increasing the number of projectiles if you upgrade it enough, but it being unclear *when* that happens.

As to whether the essences follow the same linear upgrade path of '+' and so on, I'm not sure, as I'm very new to the game, but feel such a suggestion overall would be a nice overall addition to the collection menu.
Last edited by Jukebox; 27 Jan @ 12:04am
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Showing 1-2 of 2 comments
Lizard Smoothie  [developer] 28 Jan @ 7:51am 
Hi, we've added this idea to our to-do list of features to develop in the future. Thank you for the suggestion!
Jukebox 28 Jan @ 3:30pm 
Originally posted by Lizard Smoothie:
Hi, we've added this idea to our to-do list of features to develop in the future. Thank you for the suggestion!
My pleasure; I'm honestly blow away how much potential this demo has shown. The essence system alone combined with the memories already out there has shown a huge amount of variance, and I'm all too keen for seeing where this game goes.
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