Rise to Ruins

Rise to Ruins

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Future Plans Cancelled?
Its been over a solid year since the last update. Whats going on?
If all future updates are cancelled it would be great to have that understanding so we stop waiting.
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Showing 1-7 of 7 comments
Lucidity7 10 Dec, 2024 @ 7:15pm 
Ray responded to the same theme of questions in September and said he just has a lot of stuff going on in life. I am definitely hoping for more future content, but I am sure they would appreciate patience from us. I am also glad he was alive and responding xD He might even respond here as well.
StormcrowOne 10 Dec, 2024 @ 10:05pm 
Future updates or not, the game is quite fun as it is in my opinion. Future additions are just a bonus at this point. 😁❤️‍🔥
death_dealer891 25 Dec, 2024 @ 3:16pm 
Originally posted by Lucidity7:
Ray responded to the same theme of questions in September and said he just has a lot of stuff going on in life. I am definitely hoping for more future content, but I am sure they would appreciate patience from us. I am also glad he was alive and responding xD He might even respond here as well.

Nono i get that just looking for some kind of definitive understanding of what the plan is. If more is forthcoming ( even a paid DLC) awesome! If not then thats also cool. But waiting and waiting and waiting and now nothing for a solid year you just kind of start wondering whats going on
Originally posted by death_dealer891:
Originally posted by Lucidity7:
Ray responded to the same theme of questions in September and said he just has a lot of stuff going on in life. I am definitely hoping for more future content, but I am sure they would appreciate patience from us. I am also glad he was alive and responding xD He might even respond here as well.

Nono i get that just looking for some kind of definitive understanding of what the plan is. If more is forthcoming ( even a paid DLC) awesome! If not then thats also cool. But waiting and waiting and waiting and now nothing for a solid year you just kind of start wondering whats going on
Life is going on, like everywhere else, including in the DEVS. Life is really going on for him, so the game isn't going on as much, as a result. So you're gonna have to wait and wait, and wait, until you die or the update comes out
Originally posted by Ana:
Originally posted by death_dealer891:

Nono i get that just looking for some kind of definitive understanding of what the plan is. If more is forthcoming ( even a paid DLC) awesome! If not then thats also cool. But waiting and waiting and waiting and now nothing for a solid year you just kind of start wondering whats going on
Life is going on, like everywhere else, including in the DEVS. Life is really going on for him, so the game isn't going on as much, as a result. So you're gonna have to wait and wait, and wait, until you die or the update comes out
Right.... I get that. And if thats the case an update would be great. we are inching close to the 2 year mark from the last update. Just looking for clarity. If LIFE has forced the game to be shelved and declared complete then so be it. Make that announcement and good. But the last official announcement on steam promised additional updates, content etc. Again. This is not to troll or abuse or be mean. Just looking for some clarity.
On the 27th of January 2025, On Dicscord and answering someone's question "A new update for Rtr??"

Nope, same story. I'm working on early design docs for the next game if that means anything though. But no real development is happening at the moment.

Originally posted by DeLastOne:
On the 27th of January 2025, On Dicscord and answering someone's question "A new update for Rtr??"

Nope, same story. I'm working on early design docs for the next game if that means anything though. But no real development is happening at the moment.


While i dont have a problem with going onto discord. I should not be required to hunt down a post on a discord server to find out what is going on with a game on Steam. Steam is where it is purchased and Steam is where status updates should be recorded.

Again, if life is an issue thats fine. Some form of "pulse check" every so often is a good practice if the decision is to pick development back up at some point. Im not even talking frequently. Every 3-6 months would suffice.
Last edited by death_dealer891; 28 Feb @ 4:33am
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