DARK SOULS™ II: Scholar of the First Sin

DARK SOULS™ II: Scholar of the First Sin

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Dual Dagger, Caestus or bare fist with Vanquishers seal? (PvE)
First time trying a melee build and wanted to try one of the three in title. Is there a clear winner of one of them that’s really good for PvE?

I planned on RoB/Flynns and engraved gauntlets for the very least, just curious on kind of the rest. I heard bare fists are good dps but a lot slower so just kind of wondering if maybe the daggers or caestus would be better or not.

Any help appreciated
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Showing 1-6 of 6 comments
JellyPuff 29 Jan @ 12:37am 
Use what you think is more fun. Don't overthink stuff. With RoB/Flynn's, almost all weapons become viable or downright overkill for PvE. With those 2 rings, even the Handmaiden's Ladle, if mundane-infused, becomes viable.

From a more objective PoV, Bare Fists /w Vanquisher's Seal is pretty OP for PvE.
High base damage with decent STR-scaling. It's also Strike type damage, which is not resisted by anything noteworthy, but many tougher enemies are weak to it (basically most "dudes in armor"). bare fists also have zero stat requirements and as weapons are unbreakable so you wouldn't have to worry about durability. """Two-hand""" for max DPS. Since you don't need any stats, you can focus on and pump VIG, END and ADP early and just spam R1 and Lifegems through out most of the game. Become the Unga-Bunga.
I playing with caestus and not very fun.
Thank you. So far collecting the awestones and trying out the dual daggers for the time being. So Mundane re scales the weapon and scales with your lowest stat if in understand it right? I guess if I infused my daggers with mundane, what stat investment would I want to maximize the damage? Either that or I thought about just keeping it uninfused or just doing a lightning infusion.

Would Old Leos’s ring work with Dagger?
Last edited by LLoyd Christmas; 29 Jan @ 9:04pm
Originally posted by LLoyd Christmas:
So Mundane re scales the weapon and scales with your lowest stat if in understand it right?
Yes but it reduces base-damage by so much, that it's only really worth it on joke weapons with comically low base damage. Even if you go max Soul Level, so you'd have the most scaling possible, most weapons will still be weaker if mundane-infused. Mundane is very niché.
You'd need ALL stats at like 35 to outscale DEX for your Dagger. And even then, it's still not worth it because you'd lose the Flynn's Ring scaling, because you also need to level VIT.

Use sites like these to preview how different infusions and stats affect different things:
Originally posted by LLoyd Christmas:
Would Old Leos’s ring work with Dagger?
Yes, but only on it's thrust-type moves, like it's 2HR1 and 2HR2.
Thank you much.

Only other question I have is how exactly do I get the engraved gauntlets?

I spoke with Pate in FoTG and he moved. I went to copse and spoke to Creighton. Then I went to Shaded ruins and found Creighton again on top of that spiral staircase (near the hill that leads to the boss). He seemed to move, so I thought he would go to Brightstone cove so I could get the key. However he wasn’t there.

Do I need to speak with both NPC’s twice and then they both appear in bright stone cove?

I could have sworn I saw someone else just find one NPC there on a video and just get the key, but maybe that was non SoTFS version.
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