DARK SOULS™ II: Scholar of the First Sin

DARK SOULS™ II: Scholar of the First Sin

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ELDRIIN 29 Jan @ 10:05pm
DS2 = Elden ring 0.5
I said this years ago, and have always defended this game since day one. It's MY #1 souls game ever. I played them all, platinum most of them, and all are great, but this is MY Elden Ring of 2014. No other souls games comes close in scope. I just wish it would get a ground up remake and Hidetaka Miyazaki taking over to shut purists mouth up. I don't CARE what others say, its the BEST souls game. Im sure if the game had Hidetaka Miyazaki name on the box, it would not be receiving this much hate.

“Dark Souls 2” can very reasonably be called “Elden Ring version 0.5.” All of the biggest ideas from the latest game are rooted in “Dark Souls 2,” including the scale and span of its world, the mythology, and the expanded utility of weapons and player builds. It’s also perhaps the saddest game of the Dark Souls trilogy, if not the entire genre. It tells the tale of the lost King Vendrick of Drangleic; when you finally meet the monarch, players are greeted with the loneliest image the series has yet to conjure.

Tanimura would go on to direct the best downloadable content for “Dark Souls 3” and co-direct “Elden Ring,” his vision finally fulfilled. “Dark Souls 2” is the game that helped define the journey of “Elden Ring,” both in development and the final product’s experience of traversing across a wide expanse of dungeons and castles.

Last edited by ELDRIIN; 29 Jan @ 10:12pm
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Showing 1-11 of 11 comments
Paradox 29 Jan @ 10:18pm 
Gameplay (combat/movement) of ER is almost identical to DS3. So, it's closer to DS3.5 in my book.
JellyPuff 29 Jan @ 10:21pm 
DS2 is King's Field IV 1.5. So that means King's Field IV is Elden Ring 0.25. The math does check out.
ELDRIIN 29 Jan @ 10:25pm 
Originally posted by Paradox:
Gameplay (combat/movement) of ER is almost identical to DS3. So, it's closer to DS3.5 in my book.

Build variety much better in DS2. World and dark/sad story aswell.
Dark souls player and their delusions surely are something to be researched
Last edited by NightmareGats; 30 Jan @ 4:10am
Elden Ring = DS II 2
Needo62 30 Jan @ 4:54am 
comparing elden ring to ds2 is insulting to ds2
Please: As JellyPuff said before me: DS2 is essentially King's Field.
DS2 also takes many things from Demon Souls and Kings Field.

Life gems are similar to DES grasses as you can often find them from merchants.

Usually, areas are hard and bosses are easy as in DES.

DS2 NG+often spawns phantom enemies like DES in Black word tendency.
This mechanics is sadly missing in DS3,ER.

DS1 had grave lord summone phantom enemies on NG+.

That said ER did polish and bought back many things from DS2.

Sadly, DS2 is mostly known for its weak polish and hitboxes,gank squads and many players often skip it.
Originally posted by Crypto Gamer:
DS2 also takes many things from Demon Souls and Kings Field.

Life gems are similar to DES grasses as you can often find them from merchants.

Usually, areas are hard and bosses are easy as in DES.

DS2 NG+often spawns phantom enemies like DES in Black word tendency.
This mechanics is sadly missing in DS3,ER.

DS1 had grave lord summone phantom enemies on NG+.

That said ER did polish and bought back many things from DS2.

Sadly, DS2 is mostly known for its weak polish and hitboxes,gank squads and many players often skip it.

Indeed: DS2 featured a number of innovative mechanics and ideas that, sadly, Fromsoft seems to have dismissed; opting for their tried and true Dark Souls 1 methodology (never mind how half-baked DS1 was, lol). It's a shame how unjustly despised this game is: it made sincere attempts to evolve the overall formula of the series, but was largely hampered by a lack of serious support from the company.
DS 1 also had many great online ideas like Vagrants, Gravelord spawned enemies,miracle synergies which sadly did NOT carry over.

NO idea why at least they did not use Bonefire Astetic for DS3 and ER or NG+ only enemies.
Originally posted by Crypto Gamer:
DS 1 also had many great online ideas like Vagrants, Gravelord spawned enemies,miracle synergies which sadly did NOT carry over.

NO idea why at least they did not use Bonefire Astetic for DS3 and ER or NG+ only enemies.

Of course, yes: I'm not denying that at all. I was simply putting emphasis on the hypocrisy of DS2 being maligned for some of the things that DS1 also didn't do particularly well.
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