DARK SOULS™ II: Scholar of the First Sin

DARK SOULS™ II: Scholar of the First Sin

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First Boss
Summon an npc but now the second time they are not there, even if I burn an effigy, can anyone put down a co op summon plz.
Last edited by ClassicVinyl; 30 Jan @ 2:06pm
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Showing 1-15 of 26 comments
spy 30 Jan @ 2:08pm 
The Pursuer
The Last Giant
The Royal Rat Vanguard
The Rotten
The Old Dragonslayer
Ruin Sentinel

These are the first bosses :D Yes, you can encounter them for the first time in the game. Which one is yours?
Sorry should have been more clear Dragonrider I believe.
spy 30 Jan @ 2:18pm 
Originally posted by ClassicVinyl:
Sorry should have been more clear Dragonrider I believe.
If you haven't pulled the levers in the area, you can make the boss fall off the platform. To do this, enter the fog gate from the right and wait. When the boss takes 5 or 6 steps, run to the right. He will fall off the platform. A little practice.
Originally posted by spy:
The Pursuer
The Last Giant
The Royal Rat Vanguard
The Rotten
The Old Dragonslayer
Ruin Sentinel

These are the first bosses :D Yes, you can encounter them for the first time in the game. Which one is yours?
you forgot alva the king's pet
spy 30 Jan @ 2:24pm 
Originally posted by Eastersimulator:
Originally posted by spy:
The Pursuer
The Last Giant
The Royal Rat Vanguard
The Rotten
The Old Dragonslayer
Ruin Sentinel

These are the first bosses :D Yes, you can encounter them for the first time in the game. Which one is yours?
you forgot alva the king's pet
I pulled one lever, going to check for more.
Originally posted by spy:
Originally posted by Eastersimulator:
you forgot alva the king's pet
there is no boss you have to kill before him
spy 30 Jan @ 2:35pm 
Originally posted by Eastersimulator:
Originally posted by spy:
there is no boss you have to kill before him
It's technically possible, but there's no need to struggle to get 1 million souls.
Appreciate the suggestions, the only reason is I lost my old save from years back only sixty plus hours so not that bad, can someone leave a co op mark please.
Helped so many people in LoTF co op, just wondered if the DS community was helpful.
spy 30 Jan @ 2:39pm 
Originally posted by ClassicVinyl:
Appreciate the suggestions, the only reason is I lost my old save from years back only sixty plus hours so not that bad, can someone leave a co op mark please.
Helped so many people in LoTF co op, just wondered if the DS community was helpful.
what is your sm now?
If one includes parrywalk and ladderwalk glitch shenanigans, one could technically fight almost any boss in the game first, with the only exceptions I think being Nashandra, Aldia, Sir Alonne, and maaaaybe Vendrick; since they all can't spawn and/or can't have their area loaded without the death of another boss involved.
Everyone else though, you can basically just fly around or clip through to avoid.

Way above my pay grade, went way over my head.
spy 30 Jan @ 2:51pm 
Originally posted by ClassicVinyl:
Way above my pay grade, went way over my head.
i will do new character wait 15 min
Thank you Spy really appreciate it.
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