Cubic Odyssey

Cubic Odyssey

Discord server?
found out about this game like 20 minutes ago and honestly looking like the game I've always wanted, An itch that no man's sky never quite hit for me. I am just curious if you guys have a discord server or planning onto as i would really like to follow along with the development of this game and see what the growing community is like as i can see this game having a good modding community with its sci-fi setting and game play features.
Originally posted by murlena:
Thank you for your suggestion. We will think about it.
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A developer of this app has indicated that this post answers the original topic.
murlena  [developer] 30 Jan @ 3:24am 
Thank you for your suggestion. We will think about it.
Grant 12 Feb @ 3:16pm 
You'll think about discord?

You guys need a community manager and discord ASAP
smile 23 Feb @ 6:40am 
Originally posted by Grant:
You'll think about discord?

You guys need a community manager and discord ASAP
MrMartyD 23 Feb @ 10:30am 
Definitely, not having a room full of people hyping themselves up and spreading the word seems like a big oversight.
Klandor 24 Feb @ 3:17am 
Definitely a Community Manager. I want to be clear that I'm not looking to censor ANYONE, but there are just too many Trolls out there just looking to spoil people's day. Additionally, people who don't understand a little bit of restraint and blow a fuse if their question isn't answered to their satisfaction a microsecond after it's asked.

I know of AT LEAST one game, here on Steam, where a new user asked the EXACT SAME QUESTION in 3 different Discussions, all within a few hour period and attempted to hijack another Discussion for their issue. A CM would control those problematic people...
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