Cubic Odyssey

Cubic Odyssey

How soon is soon?
Developer I craaaaave the news. I need it in my veins! I'm absolutely FERAL to get my hands on the game.
Originally posted by murlena:
Follow us on our social media, and you won’t miss any game updates. Are you already playing the demo? Did you like it?
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Showing 1-3 of 3 comments
Ocadyen 20 Feb @ 2:56am 
Hi! The Demo has just been released this morning, I suggest you check it out ASAP ^_^
A developer of this app has indicated that this post answers the original topic.
murlena  [developer] 20 Feb @ 3:19am 
Follow us on our social media, and you won’t miss any game updates. Are you already playing the demo? Did you like it?
NB 20 Feb @ 6:50am 
Not the OP, but I liked it.

Even though I am a bit exhausted with the same type of crafting/upgrading system found in every game over the last 15+ years (I guess it's like what else could one do?), I can see myself sandboxing a lot based on the exploration and building aspects.

What about if it had some automation...conveyor belts....oh, man.

Thank you for the demo!
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