Total War: NAPOLEON - Definitive Edition

Total War: NAPOLEON - Definitive Edition

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CA Ella 20 Nov, 2018 @ 7:00am
Total War: NAPOLEON - Definitive Edition
We’re upgrading Napoleon, Empire, and Medieval II to Definitive Editions today – which means that if you already own them, you’ll now have all of the DLC for free!

If you don’t already own them, now’s the time to check them out – the new editions include all the DLC and expansion packs for each:

Click here to view the trailer:
Last edited by CA Ella; 21 Nov, 2018 @ 7:42am
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Showing 1-15 of 284 comments
Lee Enfield 20 Nov, 2018 @ 7:21am 
Breaking news.....Breaking news......Breaking news......Breaking news......

Oh that's very generous of you, sadly I already own them so it doesn't affect me, but if you can see fit to do the same with Rome 2 and Atilla, I'll set off some fireworks...cheers :steamhappy:

"Good news for those new to the game who have not yet purchased the DLC" :steamhappy:

Breaking news.....Breaking news......Breaking news......Breaking news......
Last edited by Lee Enfield; 20 Nov, 2018 @ 10:39am
Hallsteinn 20 Nov, 2018 @ 7:59am 
Fire Ella from your company CA.
KeggeR 20 Nov, 2018 @ 8:04am 
Thanks for deleting my post. Please include workshop support so we can mod out all future “improvements”
PurSpyk!! 20 Nov, 2018 @ 8:05am 
So for existing owners of the games and dlc, all we get is a name change in the Steam library? Seems like a really pointless excercise, no benefits?
Havish 20 Nov, 2018 @ 9:49am 
Originally posted by PurSpyk!!:
So for existing owners of the games and dlc, all we get is a name change in the Steam library? Seems like a really pointless excercise, no benefits?

Speak for yourself, I just got free stuff.
PurSpyk!! 20 Nov, 2018 @ 10:03am 
Originally posted by Havish:
Originally posted by PurSpyk!!:
So for existing owners of the games and dlc, all we get is a name change in the Steam library? Seems like a really pointless excercise, no benefits?

Speak for yourself, I just got free stuff.

Well as I said existing owners of the game and all dlc all we get is a name change, you obviously did not have all the dlc.
Havish 20 Nov, 2018 @ 10:40am 
Originally posted by PurSpyk!!:
Originally posted by Havish:

Speak for yourself, I just got free stuff.

Well as I said existing owners of the game and all dlc all we get is a name change, you obviously did not have all the dlc.

Nope, but this is obviously not for people who already have the DLC.
LOUYONNE 20 Nov, 2018 @ 11:26am 
Nice move from a branding perspective. Consistency is King. Even though this sort of adjustment was necessary and vulnebrable to the principle of brand alignment (started with Shogun 2), it is unfortuntely an underwhelming move for the community. Yes it is a industrial trend, filled with Remastered, Remakes and Definitve Editions, but this one is sort of a dissapointment.

From a distribution perspective I I think it does offer benefits, might induce trial for those people who never even tried the old titles of the TOTAL WAR franchise before and draws a few smiles upon players who didnt own all DLC yet( I persoanlly didnt own any DLCs for ETW, so yey, however it was pretty much unplayable without Modifications and felt a bit dull in vanilla).

I hoped that CA would dedicate a least some ressources in polishing up or actuallly improving the so called Definitve Editions over the originals, but here wer are....

Either way that was my short remark on this update. I had to write it, since I noticed this namechange(thats what is is for me) instantly. I was looking to launch Napoleon Total War...
Thank for the free DLC though. Great idea.
Lastly, please dont forget the fact, that you have a massive fanbase for the "Gunpowder Era" titles.

PS: CAElla, look at how you labeled the discussion thread. It is Total War: Napoleon now ;)
[Update] Wow actually it got updated. :)
Upadate: If I were you I would change the name for all titles. What about Rome and Medieval and Shogun. And how about offering those 3 dinosaurs for free?(preposterous I know ;)
Last edited by LOUYONNE; 21 Nov, 2018 @ 1:43pm
Yesterday I watched 2kliksphilip Total war video. Today I was interested in seeing more about it, thinking of playing Napoleon again, then looking for a good mod, then wanted to go to the steam forum and read there. Stumble across this.
What a funny coincidence.

Thanks for that. Like Louyonne said:
It drew a little smile :)
Wayz 20 Nov, 2018 @ 3:39pm 
lol, well I would say wow thanks CA but as I owned everything that they just gave away for free ...anti climax.
Nice for those that dont though I guess but a little something something new for all the nice customers that PAID for this content and helped pay all your bills and wages for all these years would have been nice rather than reward those that did not.
A new unit foir example ..all it would have taken for EVERY customer to get something.
Last edited by Wayz; 20 Nov, 2018 @ 3:42pm
Sirlion 20 Nov, 2018 @ 4:16pm 
So no fixes whatsoever? Just a name change and free dlcs a decade old? Wow, thanks for nothing
TGG Gosling 21 Nov, 2018 @ 12:17am 
lol people are complaining...
rusty_dragon 21 Nov, 2018 @ 1:21am 
CA, give me back my games. I've honestly bought them. You have no right retrospectively old games into storefront for your new DLCs.
"Gifting for free" me game I've bought for my money, then ruin it like you did with Rome 2, and sell me new DLCs I've never asked for.
For those who still don't get it - upcoming updates mean ruining compatibility for all existing mods as well.
Last edited by rusty_dragon; 21 Nov, 2018 @ 1:22am
Nauggers 21 Nov, 2018 @ 4:14am 
Well I appreciate the sentiment I suppose I reckon I had most of the DLC already except maybe some of the obscure units from Empire. As long as it doesnt break mods then I have no issue with the rather out of the blue change.
Poetic Pariah 21 Nov, 2018 @ 12:26pm 
You should include an Emperor Edition FreeLC like with Rome II. Doesn't even have to be that in depth. Add more factions to main campaign, perhaps a DLC for several factions like Kingdom of Italy, Bavaria, and Poland for multiplayer battles. You know... something new and fresh to see. Possibly updated graphics. Just something.

Don't get a community's hopes up only to let them down. Come on. >:C

Edit: Also, perhaps improve the roster for some nations like Portugal. That'd be nice. Now's the chance to work on mistakes.
Last edited by Poetic Pariah; 21 Nov, 2018 @ 12:26pm
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