Total War: NAPOLEON - Definitive Edition

Total War: NAPOLEON - Definitive Edition

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How to mod unit spacings to be tighter
How can I mod unit spacings so that they are as tight as ntw3, ♥♥♥, or grand battle? Thanks
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Check the Total War Center forum :

It's a bit slow but there are A LOT of information about modding. What you're trying to do is fairly simple and common, so I'm confident there will be threads about it on this website ;)
Last edited by JeanHubertGazon; 28 Jan @ 3:18am
Originally posted by JeanHubertGazon:
Check the Total War Center forum :

It's a bit slow but there are A LOT of information about modding. What you're trying to do is fairly simple and common, so I'm confident there will be threads about it on this website ;)
yeah thanks bro I found a way a while ago, but I'd have to change the spacing for each individual unit. Do you know of any standalone tight formations mod for ntw?
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