Total War: NAPOLEON - Definitive Edition

Total War: NAPOLEON - Definitive Edition

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I recently viewed a Utube regarding how to use GRENADIERS to break line infantry. It discussed, in some detail, how and when to throw the grenades. So, I asked myself: what grenades? I haven't seen any grenades available to my guys nor have any enemy units used them against me. WHAT GIVES?
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Do you play with Darthmod? If I remember correctly this mod removed the abillity to use Grenades
Thank you Von Bock---i dunno know a thing about "Darthmod" but as far as I know it may be included in the version of TW Nap I have inherited'. Do you have use of grenades? If so, do you think they reflect actual combat realities and are worth having?
Originally posted by swantsays:
Thank you Von Bock---i dunno know a thing about "Darthmod" but as far as I know it may be included in the version of TW Nap I have inherited'. Do you have use of grenades? If so, do you think they reflect actual combat realities and are worth having?
It depends on the Mod, try my mod Napoleon Remastered, much better AI then the outdated Darthmod and Ai uses Grenades
Thanks again Van Bock- Your Mod? I know nothing of mods but I presume you are suggesting I use this if I want the realism of Grenades? If so, how do I go about adding it?
Originally posted by swantsays:
Thank you Von Bock---i dunno know a thing about "Darthmod" but as far as I know it may be included in the version of TW Nap I have inherited'. Do you have use of grenades? If so, do you think they reflect actual combat realities and are worth having?

If you haven't installed any mod yourself I doubt there would be one, unless you're playing on someone esle's game. In vanilla, you should find a grenade icon within the ability (right side of your controle panel) of grenadiers units, next to the square icon I believe. Grenadiers are usually not a great unit due to them having fewer men, thus you might never had the chance to see their grenade ability. You may try them, but they usually are not worth it at all. Make sure to have a grenadier unit, that is, with "(Grenadiers)" after the unit name.
Stinger 31 Jan @ 9:25am 
I tend to use them to good effect as defensive line holders and to break an enemy already under fire. Toss a few grenades at them and they will break.
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