Total War: NAPOLEON - Definitive Edition

Total War: NAPOLEON - Definitive Edition

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Steam multiplayer achievements
I need someone who could help me with the multiplayer achievements on Steam, please.
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hi! we can do it
accept friend request if you still want to do this
I can do it too, just add me !
Me and @teaEssense has almost finished the multiplayer run, you can use this thread to find someone who can help you with. Here are some tips for the MP achievements:

- All MP achievements (battle & campaign) that require another person to play with can be completed in the span of 5-7hrs. Some achievements are very buggy and may need multiple restarts to complete.
- For the battle achievements, it's a little bit buggy, in my instance, the loser also got the same achievement (The Star of the Fearless Buccaneer) in the same battle.
- For MP campaign achievements, Most of the time you can skip the tedious part by giving the other player the regions required to complete the objective. You can do that easily by sending a small group of cavalries to demand surrender and let the other player accept it.
- Do save before ending your turn because there is a chance the game will crash and you need to restart again. See this to fix the desynchronized issue:
Shifty 11 Feb @ 2:20pm 
Add me too! I still need a bunch.
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